Where to go again?

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Under the pinkish sky, they are just wandering around Victoria Memorial. The little 'Nokia' phone of Hridoy suddenly vibrates. Hridoy picks it up. 'Sree is calling'. Prava can't hear what she is saying, but her muffled voice sounds very nervous to Prava. Hridoy's face also becomes very solemn and nervous, and she can sense the tension. 

"What happened, mama? Is Mami okay?" she asks. 

"Yes, she is alright, but... I'm not sure if I should tell you this, but I think you should go back to your village."

Prava screams, "Just tell me what happened!".

"Let's go home first."

They walk on silently. Prava wonders, what can happen so suddenly? Apparently, her uncle doesn't want to answer her questions. The two of them got close to their home. Everyone on the street, in nearby houses, seems worried, and everyone's faces are blanched. 

Sree welcomes them with an apologetic face. She says suddenly to Prava, "I had to call you back you see, I am so sorry but-" 

She is cut off by Hridoy. "Oh, Sree, she doesn't even know about it yet. Listen, Prava. You know that we live in a government made colony for people who cannot afford their own home. Though we are not horribly poor, we are still poor enough for the government to do anything it wants to us. So, today some people came and they said we and all our colony mates will have to clear up and go somewhere else. A shopping mall will build up here. Of course, the government will get a handful of money for that, what did it get from us?"

Prava asks the only thing she can think about now. "How much time do we have?"

"We have to clear up before this Wednesday, and today's Saturday. So we have like three days in our hands. I don't know what we will do. Not only us, everyone. It is not possible! How can they do this?" Hridoy starts to scream with tears of fury rolling down his eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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