Chapter 11 || His King ||

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Orange eyelashes fluttered open. Only for the blue orbs to be hit by a ray of light. Blinded, Childe raised his hand blocking the sun from his view. The sun had risen, which meant it was a new day. Another day of being captive here. As he rolled out of bed like a caterpillar, the creaking of the bed alerted Rex Lapis. The brunette was sitting on a large couch in front of a crackling fire.

I wonder why Zhongli needs a fireplace in his room?  Childe thought to himself.

Slowly dismounting the bed, Childe walked barefoot to where the other man sat.

"Goodmorning Childe" Zhongli smiled at the ginger

Such liveliness from Rex Lapis was surprising to the Harbinger. From what Childe could recall from last night, he remembered Zhongli's voice being low, smooth, and overall very attractive.

Seeing such a handsome man like Morax smile at him sent an arrow through Childe's heart. A smile crept onto his face, he was so happy that he was helping Zhongli get better.

"Would you care to join me for breakfast Tartaglia?"

A tight feeling in his chest mixed with his racing heart made Childe feel light. A burning sensation spread across his pale skin. Many do not address him by his alias Tartaglia, hearing his fatui name roll off of the geo archon's tongue made him feel ecstatic. Strangely every time Zhongli talked or looked in Childe's direction he would feel extremely nervous.

Calming himself down with a deep breath, he nodded, accepting Rex Lapis's invitation to breakfast.

The pair soon walked through the palace. Still, unfamiliar with his surroundings, Childe trailed Zhongli like a small puppy. Soon the two made it to the great hall. The hall is usually reserved for Rex Lapis and high-ranking members close to Morax. It's common for Zhongli to dine with any other visiting Lords or Xiao.

Pulling a chair out from the long sandbearer table, Childe sat to the left of Zhongli. The god had taken a seat at the head of the table. The chairs had the same aesthetic as the rest of the palace, refined, gold, and expensive. To be perfectly honest Childe did not know what he preferred more, the Zapolyarny Palace back in Snezhnaya, or the Jīnzi Palace here in Liyue. The Zapolyareny Palace was cold and made of ice, perhaps that how it received the title Polar Palace. While the Jīnzi Palace, as its name, suggests it has many accents of gold spread throughout the residency.

The duo waited for their meal. The silence felt suffocating, Childe wanted to spark up a conversation with Zhongli. Suddenly a question popped into his mind.

"Zhongli xian sheng, do you hate us Snezhnayans?"

Zhongli turned his attention to Childe, his expression stern and serious.

"I do not hold any grudges against the if that is your question"

"However, if she dares to send someone to infiltrate Liyue again. I cannot promise that everyone in Snezhnaya will make it out alive"

Childe was taken aback by this, yesterday Zhongli seemed clueless but today he seemed collected and cold.

"Shit that's hot," Childe said underneath his breath.

Bored once again, the ginger had picked up a fork and spun it in between his gloved fingers.

The sound of footsteps alerted Childe. They were coming from the other side of the entrance. Perchance, it could have been the servants bringing in their meal. The doors swung open to reveal a surprising sight.


The fork fell from Childe's hands, landing on the floor.

The man saw the Guardian Yaksha smiling, with the anemo archon clinging onto his arm. Childe had no idea the Yaksha and Barbatos had that type of relationship.

Xiao peered into the room, his eyes landed on Zhongli. Rex Lapis's condition was greatly improved. Xiao was beaming with joy and happiness, he had such a pure aura around him. Until he spotted Childe beside Morax. Immediately, the comforting atmosphere disappear and was replaced with a dark and bloodthirsty aura. Yellow cat-like eyes pierced into Childe's soul, like a predator staring at its prey, ready to pounce.

He opened his hand to summon his spear when he heard Zhongli ask,

"Would you two like to join us for breakfast?"

Instantly, Xiao sat to the right of Morax.

Childe noted that when it came to Mr. Zhongli, the Yaksha acted like a bidentate dog.

The bard took a seat beside his partner. Venti was used to Xiao's behavior.

Almost on cue, the servants entered the room with their food.

The four began to feast on their meal of choice.

As they ate Venti noticed Zhongli's condition was improved drastically. The anemo archon knew the role Childe played in Rex Lapis's recovery.

"Did you two fuck yet?" Venti asked

This comment from the bard broke the other 3 men in the room.

Childe choked on his food, attempting to dislodge the item in his throat, he violently began to hit his chest.

Zhongli wore a surprised expression as the whole table shook from Xiao standing up violently. The brunette's tea felt from his hand hitting the ground, breaking in the process.

A small giggle escaped Venti's lips, he was certainly proud of himself for the chaos he stirred.

"You should refrain yourself from saying such vulgar things, Barbatos" Zhongli lectured the bard

"Still trying to maintain your image in front of your new hubby?" Venti taunted the geo archon

The amber tips from Zhongli's hair glowed, rage, irritation filled Morax's eyes. Venti knew well when Zhongli got mad, specifically at him. It would be a miracle if he makes it out alive. The anemo archon immediately began to apologize profusely, hoping to save himself from a horrible fate.

Soon, the group all settled down and attempted to finish their breakfast in what little peace they had.

Zhongli stood up from his seat walking towards Childe.

"Would you care to take a stroll with me?" The god asked Childe

Childe saw a sour expression spread across Xiao's face. The ginger was already going to accept any request from his new lord, but Xiao's expression pushed him even more to accept.

"Sure, my king"

Childe x Zhongli "A Servant to the King"Where stories live. Discover now