Chapter 14 || Consequences ||

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Awakening from his slumber, Childe stretched his arms. A soft yawn escaping from his lips. Looking around the room he did not see Zhongli, although, a small piece of paper caught his attention. Walking out of the bed Childe picked up the letter from the nightstand table.

The letter read as followed,

" Good morning my dearest Tartaglia. I assumed you enjoyed my little gift to you? I hoped you had fun last night with a certain someone~

I wouldn't want all my hard work to go to waste just like that. It was quite a hassle to acquire the materials needed for my little gift. I had to take time out of my day to create this marvellous present. Hopefully, it was used well. If you wish to have another ecstatic night you know where to find me.

Signed, the most attractive man around here in Teyvat "

"This son of a bitch, meddling with me again" Childe muttered under his breath, he felt his blood boiling as he reread the small text.

All your hard work? What the fuck does that even mean

The Harbinger began regretting not finishing off Kaeya when he had the chance. That annoying bastard somehow found his way into Childe's personal life. As dark thoughts slowly clouded the ginger's mind, he heard footsteps coming out of the bathroom.

"I see you awake Childe" a low comforting voice spoke

Zhongli's complexion was very different from the first time they met. He looked alive and well. No matter how many times Childe saw Zhongli, he could still feel the racing of his heart. As if Zhongli put a spell on him, he fell in love every time he laid his eyes on him. He was truly in love with him and was even aiding in restoring his health. What greater honour than to help a god...

As the two sit down on the couch, they discuss the events that occurred the night before. After recalling the events Childe began profusely apologizing to Zhongli. Smiling to himself, Zhongli moved closer to Childe. The brunette carefully cupped his lover's face, giving him a soft peck on the lips.

"I forgive you Ajax," Zhongli softly said with a gentle smile.

This left Childe unable to function for about an hour. His brain has short-circuited from the sheer amount of emotions he was experiencing.

After eating breakfast together, Childe requested to see what the Calvary Captian was up to.

"Are you planning an attack on Sir Kaeya?" Zhongli inquired.

"I can assure you I learn from my lessons" Childe smiled as he pointed to his shock collar.

The pair made their way to the laboratory where the infamous alchemist from Mondstadt resided. Turning the doorknob, Zhongli opened the Sandbearer door to be faced with an assuming sight. There sat Kaeya on his knees bent over, his face hovering over the ground. Entering the room, they could hear the angry lecture from Albedo.

"How many times do I have to tell you Captain that we do not have time to waste on irrelevant tasks" Albedo scolded Kaeya.

"We're stationed here for a reason, don't forget our purpose here in Liyue" Albedo rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"My deepest apologies Chief Alchemist, I can assure you that this will not occur again". An audible sigh could be heard from Albedo as he looked at Kaeya once more.

"Are we interrupting an important matter?" Zhongli asked the alchemist and captain.

"Good afternoon Lord Rex Lapis" Albedo bowed to the archon.

"We were discussing some dishonourable actions performed by my Captain. My deepest apologies for the commotion" The blond expressed.

Standing up, Kaeya's eyes met with Childe's. The blue-haired man saw the rage in the deep ocean eyes that belonged to the other man.

"Greetings Tartaglia~"

The Harbinger wanted to rip him from limb to limb right there and then. Holding his decapitated head like a trophy. Crimson blood flowing out of the corpse slowly covering the floor below them. A truly beautiful sight in Childe's mind. But with Zhongli by his side, he could not carry out these desires.

"You look rather well today blockhead," A small voice said behind Morax.

"Do you wish to be crushed"

Ignoring the brunette's threat Venti commented,

"Wow, your complexion is so much better. So how was the sex?"

Needless to say, construction was needed near the alchemy lab after a rather huge meteorite was hurtled at the anemo archon. Thankfully the Bard was not greatly injured but was fearful for the rest of his stay in Liyue.

The rest of the day was uneventful, Childe followed Zhongli around listening to his endless tales. As the two laid in bed Childe proposed a question.

"Zhongli xiansheng, can I have my vision back?"

"May I ask why?"

Moving closer to Zhongli, Childe locked his fingers with Morax's.

"I would love to spar with you Rex Lapis"

"Your body would not handle my full strength" Zhongli chuckled.

A smirk crept onto Childe's face,

"I'd love to test that out~"

Childe x Zhongli "A Servant to the King"Where stories live. Discover now