Irresistible - Freya Mikaelson

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© snips-writes on tumblr


Word Count: 1141

Pairings: Freya x Reader

Warnings: None

Being friends with the Mikaelson was something else

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Being friends with the Mikaelson was something else. You met Niklaus in London in 1490 when he saved you from being burned alive when they judged you for being a witch. He turned you, made you powerful, fearless, immortal... He made you something new, an hybrid, half witch half vampire.

He always kept you around, at first because of your power but then, he found a friend in you. He talked to you when he couldn't talk to his siblings and at the end you became blood to him, his other little sister. When he called you, seeking your help to protect his daughter you ran back to him.

New Orleans wasn't your favorite city in the world but you knew how much Nik loved it. You see the British blonde guy talking to who you assumed it was Hayley by the descriptions he gave you and other girl with blonde short hair.

"I already called her, she'll help us."

"Can we trust her?"

"She's the only person who I consider blood, she's family to me." You smile at his words, always such a drama queen.

"Oh Nik, I do consider you blood too. And not only because the rest of my family is dead."

Klaus starts walking as he smiles at you. "Freya, invite her in."

"Are you sure? The last old friend was an enemy at the end Niklaus..."

"C'mon doll face, let me in." You smile at her taking a better look. Her skinny figure was marked by her skinny jeans and top. Her green eyes complimented her delicate yet firm features. She was definitely a Mikaelson, jeez the whole family was freaking hot.

"Fine come in. While you two talk I'll go and find a way to tear our enemies apart."

"You must be (Y/N), Klaus's"just best friends" am I right?" She asks making air quotes, Klaus groans at her over dramatically.

"Just friends yeah, Nik's not my type. I mean, would you date that?" I maker her laugh, she properly introduces herself and speeds away as Hope calls her name.

"Talking about types, who's doll face?" You smirk following him into his studio.

"That would be lovely long lost older sister, Freya. She can be a little moody."

"Well she's hot."

"Don't." He points at you as you rise your eyebrows challenging him.

Days went by as you helped the Mikaelson siblings. You met Hope, teaches her a little of magic whenever her parents weren't around. Hayley and you became pretty good friends as you bonded over making fun of Klaus.

Freya was something else. You flirted with her whenever you two were alone trying to combine your magic in order to fight The Hollow. She always blushed, you weren't blind you could see it but she never flirted back, just stared at you silently.

Kol and Rebekah came back and as Kol flirted with you you flirted with Freya even more, making everyone laugh at Kol for not giving up. It was clear that you weren't into him, or boys at all.

"No but seriously, you're way too smart and hot to be somehow related to these morons." You wink at her making her blush and making the rest of the Mikaelson-Marshall groan.

You somehow convinced all the Mikaelson and the Marshall girl to have an "off night". Just nice dinner and drinks, claiming that being stressed out wouldn't help anyone. So there you were, talking with Rebekah and Freya as Kol and Klaus laughed and Elijah and Hayley were nowhere to be seen.

"You should give up, she doesn't seem really interested."

"C'mon Bex, we don't give up on a prey that easy. Plus, she blushes when I flirt with her and she was checking me out two seconds ago." You wink at the blonde beauty.

Suddenly the lights were out, everything was black and cold. "What the h-"before he could finish, Kol fell backwards and so did Klaus and Rebekah. Freya ran next to her siblings, checking on them when a bright cold blue light appeared on the middle of the room.

"Shit." With vamp-speed, you grab Freya hiding behind a wall. "Stay here, I mean it." Before she had a chance to reply you ran back to the room, starting to chant trying to cloak the minds of all the Mikaleson-Marshall. Trying to attack the light, she pushed you against the wall, with a wooden stake near your heart making you scream. Groaning you take it out as you hear the blonde girl chant before being thrown away but caught by you.

"Do you have a death wish?" You ask her, fixing your clothes, you look at the huge hole on your favorite top. "Okay now I'm pissed. Do you have any ideas on that beautiful head of yours?"

"I do, in fact. But i need more power."

"Chanel me." Freya looks at you unsure. "C'mon, I'm a five hundred and eighty three year old vampire and a powerful witch, hit that thing hard blondie." You wink at her as she grabs your hand.

Being channeled is no fun, you can feel the energy fly away from you, leaving you numb and old. You feel the other person's complexion, the energy, the aura. Freya keeps chanting louder while your head falls backwards, darkness finding you. With weak knees you fall, you feel Freya's hand grab yours harder before darkness takes over your mind.

A little and delicate hand played with you hair, while singing a soft song. Your senses were coming back, and now you could hear Elijah and Klaus arguing. Slowly your eyes opened, the blue gaze of the little Mikaelson connecting your yours. "You're awake!" Her cheerful screams making everyone look at you.

Hayley and Rebekah were on the couch, the three men were on the table drinking some delicious blood. They all started to ask about what happened after they blacked out, until Freya walks into the room. She had changed her clothes and she was cleaning some of the dry blood that was on her forehead.

"You okay blond-"

You were cut off by Freya's soft lips. Her hands cupping your cheeks as yours traveled to her waits as fast as they could. The kiss started sweet but quickly deepened, you pulled away hearing Hayley say something about keeping it PG for Hope, as the little one smiled happy and cheered.

"I knew you'd fall for me."

"You're just too damn irresistible (Y/N)." she smiled at you winking.

"I can't believe she rejected me for Freya..."

"Shut it Kol." You heard Klaus tell him as Rebekah smacked his arm and you kissed Freya again.

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