Marcel Gerard

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Word Count: 766

Pairings: Marcel x Child Reader; Mikaelsons x Friend!Reader

Warnings: None

Warnings: None

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Taking care of a three year old child was plenty hard on its own

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Taking care of a three year old child was plenty hard on its own. But taking care of a three year old child while also hiding them in an attic with an overpowered witch? Even harder. Marcel was just glad that the two got along.

Davina was nice about it, secretly glad to have the little girl in her company. Though she wasn't sure how many more 'cowboy space invader' games she could take. Right now the two of them were playing hide and seek (as much as they could in the attic space).

"Hello there little witch. Mind if we have a chat?" Davina whirled around from trying to find y/n, finding Klaus Mikaelson behind her.

"What do you want?"

"Like I said, I want to chat. Where is-" A quiet shuffling noise drew his attention away from the young witch. Walking over to some boxes, Klaus looked behind them to find a little girl, probably no older than three years old. The small child grinned up at him.

"You found me! My turn!" Klaus stared at the small girl, trying to register exactly what he was seeing. He picked her up, getting a good look at her.

"Well now, who is this little one?" Davina tensed and raised her hands, wanting to use a spell but unsure if she would hurt y/n.

"Let her go!" Noting the slight fear in the witch's voice, Klaus adjusted his grip on the child and spoke to Davina.

"Tell you what; you tell Marcel I want to talk with him, and he can come get her." Klaus now addressed the toddler in his arms. "How would you like to go on an adventure little one?" Y/n grinned and nodded her head excitedly.

"Yes!" The Original sped off with the child, leaving Davina alone in the attic.

"Oh fuck me."


Today was very interesting for y/n.

First, she had found a new place to hide in the small room she shared with Dee. It had been hard to hold in her giggling, but she had done it. Then she got to go out with someone new, a funny man with lots of people in his house (they seemed to argue a lot). Finally, she learned that her papa was a lot older than he looked (which didn't mean a lot to the child, seeing as anyone taller than her she instantly labeled as old).

At least they gave her some toys to play with while they argued.

"Klaus, you can't just kidnap a child!"

"Why not? We need to talk to Marcel, he refuses to speak to us, so this gives him incentive."

"She's barely old enough to walk Klaus. Kol is right, you need to return her." The argument increased in volume until another voice rose above the rest.

"MIKAELSON!!!" Y/n recognized the voice instantly. It seemed that her new friends did too.

"Oh look, Marcel's here. Well, it was nice knowing you all, seeing as he's going to murder us." The blonde woman walked into the room that y/n was playing in and picked her up, y/n snuggling close to her. She liked the woman the best out of all of them.

"Marcel. How nice to see you. I assume you're here to pick y/n up?" Was Klaus' vision off, or were Marcel's eyes slightly puffy? It must be his imagination.

"Give me my daughter Klaus."

"Or what?" Before the raised voices could become an all out war, Rebekah walked back into the room, carrying y/n on her hip.

"Hi daddy!" Y/n reached for her father, hands making little grabbing motions. Marcel gently took his daughter from Rebekah.

"Hey there kiddo. You okay?" She nodded enthusiastically.

"Yup! I got to draw with coal!" It took a moment to understand that y/n meant charcoal, not the Mikaelson brother. "I made a cat!"

"That's great sweet pea. Why don't you say bye now?" Y/n pouted, but did as her father told her to. Rebekah escorted the two out the door, stopping Marcel before he could dash off into the night.

"Feel free to bring her by anytime Marcel. You're both welcome here."

"I'll...think about it." It was the start of y/n's many trips to her new uncles and aunt's house.

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