I'm sick! (tommy)

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Plot: tommy fakes sick because he knows he's feeling far to small to go to school so pbil allows him to stay home and goes to work but comes home early since yes worried about the boy and find tommy regressing

Little: tommy
CG: Philza

Tw: panic attacks, cussing, over thinking, self doubt

Word count: 1248
Tommy's pov
I woke up and let out a sigh I had just woke up and already had a fuzzy feeling. I couldn't do this today it wasn't even 8am and I was alright slipping. I wouldn't be able to handle wearing that itchy uniform for like 7 hours and then come home and deal with wil and technos shit. I decided I would tell Phil I didn't feel well when he came in to check on me and maybe I woukd get lucky enough be home by myself until my brothers got out of school. I laid in bed staring at the clock. It read 6:22, Phil should come in around 6:45 so I rolled over and tried to fall back asleep. I just wanted to cuddle up to Henry and mooshie my stuffed minecraft cow and stuffed mushroom but I knew if any of them seen they would laugh at me and phil would probably send me to a home. I must have fell asleep because I woke up to a soft knock on my door and phil peaking he head in.

"Tom's time to wake up and get ready for school" I rolled over and put on a fake raspy whiney voice.

"I don't feel well phil" he gave me a confused look and walked over to me feeling my forehead. I mentally prayed it felt slightly warm because I really didn't want to go get stuck in school.

"Alright mate, you can stay home today, will you be alright by yourself until I get home?" I nodded. I got the house to myself until everyone got home I could actually be small today other then when I was in the bath. Phil kissed my head and walked out to awaken the other 2 in the house. I laid like that until I heard everyone yell bye and then waited for about 10 minutes before grabbing some of my little gear and ran myself a nice bubble bath. I played and felt happily small I sat until the water ran cold and then got out drying off slipping on comfy pants and one of Wilburs maroon hoodies since it was big on me and made my way to my room grabbing my paci that I had managed to order without getting caught and my plushies. I then made my way down to the couch to watch cartoons. I filled my sappy with chocolate milk and Ate some yogurt so I had something in my system and turned on cartoons. I honestly wish I could talk to someone, it got lonely being little by myself. But I couldn't tell anyone about me being a little, they all would think it was gross and leave me. I whimpered at that thought and focused into the cartoon on the Television. I was in a very deep headspace babbling to my stuffies and happy stimming at almost every other thing the TV said this continued on for a little to long I guess.
Phil's pov
I decided I would leave work a little before lunch because I was overly worrying about tommy. I walked in the front door and heard what sounded like a little kid carrying on and cartoons, had tommy brought a kid home and I hadn't noticed? I walked quietly into the living room to see tommy curled up in technos red blanket with a dummy in his mouth clutching 2 minecraft plushies for dear life babbling on about the TV. I smiled. Don't get me wrong I was a bit confused but he seemed truly happy at the moment. I quietly walked closer to him noticing I hadn't yet got his attention. His head turned slightly and he seen me, we locked eye contact for a few minutes before his dummy dropped and he burst into tears. I quickly ran over to him pulling the small boy into my arms calming him before he panicked to bad.

"Little dude can you tell me what's happening?" I asked in a soothing voice.

"Mwe smol... vew smol da" (I'm small very small da) I nodded at him and played with his golden locks. I was still very confused but I was just going to play along until he could tell me.

"How old are you little dude?" He looked to be thinking a second and held up 2 fingers.

"Wow that's very small prince, far to small to be by yourself, how about we get you lunch and then watch some cartoons alright?" He nodded excited Making uppy hands at me. I lifted him up and held him on my hip and made him some lunch so he wouldn't get hungry. I gave him it on a small kids plate hoping it would help the mood he was in. I walked into the kitchen and looked for a cup to suit his current age. I found one of technos water bottles he used to carry around school with him that had a lid I filled it with juice and handed it to him. He slowly ate and sipped his drink. I made myself some fitting lunch and sat with the small boy who was very fixated on the pink plate he had his food on. Once he was finished he sipped on his drink and looked up babbling at me.

"All done bug?" He nodded at me and pointed to the cartoon he was previously watching.

"Yes bugs you can go back to watching the toons"

"Ank shu da" (thank you da)

"Your welcome bug" he curled up on the couch sucking his paci. After about an hour I noticed tommy was out cold so I grabbed a blanket and put it over the small boy and walked into the kitchen throwing the dishes in the dishwasher and decided to do some research to see why the younger was acting the way he was. After about 30 minutes he found a term called "Little space" phil decided this is what it most likely was but woukd ask tommy about it later. I did some work occasionally checking in the little whom was still in a deep sleep on the couch. After an hour or so the 2 other boys came into the house. I quickly got up walking into the kitchen hushing them not wanting to wake tommy. I explained what was going on to them before making my way into the living room to see tomny sitting up. He looked over at us and looked like he seen a ghost. His fsce went pale and tears feel quickly. He got up to run to his room but techno was right over there to stop him.

"Bubs no stop, we don't mind that your a little if it helps alright, we're here to support and help you get through this." Tommy didn't say anything he just clung to techno.

"Techie, Wilby, an da nu hates tommy?"

"No strawberry we could never hate you" techno played with Tommy's short hair getting the boy calm again. Our family would be happy still, we all still would love tommy, big or small.

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