"Shut Up!" (Tommy)

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□♡☆ caregiver bio☆♡□•~

Name: nikki

Nicknames: aunt nikki

Little: tommy

Relationship status with little: friends
•□♡☆ caregiver bio☆♡□•~

Name: alivebur

Nicknames: bur

Little: tommy

Relationship status with little: siblings
~•□♡☆Little bio☆♡□●~

Name: tommy

Little age: 1-4

Nicknames: tom, sweetie, love bug, prince, toms

Caretaker: nikki and alivebur

Others: eret (uncle/aunt eret), fundy

Relationship status with cgs: brother and friends
Promt: alivebur tells tommy to shut up and tommy gets upset and runs home

Suggested by: N/A

TW/CW: swearing, manipulation mentions, yelling

Word count: 3000
3rd person
It was a pretty chilly day around the dream smp and tommy was with Wilbur, well it wasn't really Wilbur it was revivbur. He used to be happy because he thought he got his brother back but by now he was very unsure about that and most of the time missed ghostbur. He also questioned if dream revived his brother justbto hurt him more. It seemed he had just started getting close with ghostbur when dream decided to revive him, now he was stuck with revivbur. Revivbur had sworn he had learnt from his mistakes and had changed but tommy didn't fully see it, sure some things had changed but it seemed like he had changed around everyone else or for them because tommy still seem the shitty side of him when they were at home together. Revivbur had treated him badly, sure it was better then were he could be, he could still be stuck with dream in exile and revivbur did a damn good job at reminding him of that. Tommy messed something up he would scream at him and bring dream into it somehow, tommy would be to loud he told him to be quiet or he would call dream, tommy wouldn't do something revivbur would want and he would tell him to go to his room and not come out till the next day and if he did he would go back to exile with dream. He always used the teens truma against him, he never helped him. Its like it was some game to the older, its like ge was happy that the youngers mind was filled with these shitty memories that would never go away. The 17 year old had been traumatized his whole life. Phil wasn't the greatest dad when he lived with him but he was the best living situation the boy had ever had and tommy fucked it up to the point phil left. Tommy knew that wasn't entirely his fault but he still blamed himself for it, he might as well since everyone else had. He had left him with Wilbur and then he fucked that up and got put in exile where he had his truma with dream, where dream became his only friend. Who a while after came to terms with wasn't he friend at all it was just another trick of manipulation. Then he ran away from exile and lived with techno for a while but then he betrayed the older by fighting with tubbo even after techno had done everything for him or so he was told. Now he's back with revivbur. The boy had practically went in a circle of homes. It was had to fully settle down because just as he felt like he could he would have to move again. It was slowly becoming clear to the teen that manipulation might just run in the family he didn't want to become manipulative though if he hadn't subconsciously already and just hadn't noticed, which was a fear in his mind.. Aside from how shitty revivbur was with tommy he at least had a friend and somewhere to go home to. Today the duo were trying to convince quackity to partner with them for Las Navdas. It wasn't going super great from Tommy's point of view but what did he know. According to revivbur tommy was just a dumbass teen who needed to watch and learn from everything he did. But tommy wasn't like revivbur, he didn't like manipulating others, he didn't wanna blow stuff up, and he didn't want to become a mini revivbur anymore. He used to want to be just like the older, he tried to dress like him, he smoked to try and deepen his voice, he was mean, he was pretty successful with it for a while until he realized he wanted to be nothing like the older because he didn't like how he treated people. According to everyone tommy was the odd one out of the family, he was nothing like techno, Phil, or Wilbur he was just tommy. Everyone liked the others more, it showed, and tommy knew it but decided it was fine. He would stay unliked because then he could be the way he was, if he was liked he would have to start acting like his older siblings and he really didn't want that. The only thing he really wanted was to be known as tommy and not just Wilbur and technos younger sibling. He hated that they were the main reason he was known but he lived with it because what else cloud he do.

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