techie... (tommy)

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~•□♡☆ caregiver bio☆♡□•~

Name: techno

Nicknames: techie

Little: tommy

Relationship status with little: brotherly figure
~•□♡☆Little bio☆♡□●~

Name: tommy

Little age: 1-8

Nicknames: toms, demon spawn, gremlin, little goblin, little gremlin, thesus, child

Caretaker: techno

Others: _

Relationship status with cg:  brotherly figure
Promt: tommy has a really bad dream and goes to techno but gets upset about waking him up

Suggested by: _

TW/CW: panic attacks, swearing, death mentions

Word count: 1164
3rd person
Tommy had told himself he shouldn't have watched that stupid video tubbo sent him, he had told him he shouldn't have read through his intrusive thought book puffy had made him make, he knew he should have just went to bed but no. He had ignored his own thoughts all night he had ignored everything he had said. He said he was gonna go to bed at a reasonable hour, he had said he would just pretend like it was okay but he didn't. Instead he had found himself writing out thoughts that poped into his head that seemed bad and read through them to make sure they made sense, that wasn't what therapy was. He was super to just write them, he didn't have to make sense because if he was writing them that meant the thoughts and voices were back and they weren't supposed to be there. Tommy sighed curling up in bed. He yearned for that fuzzy warm feeling to overtake his body and make him feel bliss. He yearned to feel like a kid again and to be curled up in his blankets in one of wilburs hoodies with his plushies and dummy. He yearned to be the small boy that everyone loved and payed attention to. He yearned to be little right now because when he was little everything went away, he was happy, he didn't hear any voices, he didn't feel sick, he didn't feel like a burden, and he always felt safe. But he couldn't feel that now, he couldn't even get himself to slip. He was stuck being this traumatized 17 year old boy who was terrified of the world and everything in it. He was currently cued up in his bed under his red and black comfitor blanket allowing himself to fall asleep and distance from the world. He felt somewhat calm at the moment but he didn't know for how long. He had fallen asleep for a good while when we was awoken out of a dead sleep in a cold sweat. You see big tommy would have gotten pissed at himself for even waking up over a dumb dream but small tommy paniced. He felt as if the dream were real and he felt his breathing quicken. He quickly grabbed his dummy from the drawer on his night stand and slipped it in his mouth. He started to calm down but it wasn't fully. Small hiccups and whimpers escaped his lips as the tears fell. He did the only think he could think, he went to find his brother. Tommy climbed off his bed even tho it was the same side and so was he his brain made him feel small and like he had to clober his way down. He grabbed Henry  his stuffed cow and flopper his stuffed rabbit that was holding a small mushrooms. He trailed his way to the olders room clutching his plushies as if they would the only thing to save him if the world blew up trading his small throw blanket. He was upset at himself, he hadn't changed out of the big boy clothes he had been wearing all day and they were itchy. He wanted to be curled up in one of wilburs hoodies and technos sweat pants. More tears seemed to fall at that simple thought. He made his way to technos room and to his surprise the light was off. Usually techno would still be up so tommy didn't know if he should even enter the orders room. He glanced down the hall to his room and quickly decided against going back down the hall to his room. He peaked his head in the door to see the older curled up in bed witha book beside him. Tommy wandered in the room a bit further and tugged on the olders blanket by his feet standing there awkwardly hoping techno would wake up. He tried again after aa few moments of getting no reaction gripping his plushies closer.

"Phil fuck off, give me 5 more minutes" Tommy bit his lip as the older spoke grogily. He tried one more time either a bit of hope with a dash of fear mixed in. He didn't want to wake up the older snd upset him but at the same time he didn't  want to venture back down the long hall to his room.

"God damnit phil!"

"T-t-techie?" Tommy mummbled just above a whisper. Techo quickly sat up looking at the younger who was in tears again and was convinced that the older was pissed at him. Technos reaction instantly softened as he seen the younger and he opened his arms for the younger to curl up in. Tommy climbed into his lap clinging to him choking back tears.

"I-i sowwi I ake woo ap techie..." (I'm sorry I woke you up techie)

"It's alright little goblin, are you alright?" The older played with the younger short strawberry blonde locks. Tommy didn't know how to respond so he just shrugged.

"Dreams again?" The mentally small boy nodded not really paying attention now because he was way to amused by a Necklace techno had on.

"How old are you baby?" Techno knew the boy could be no older than maybe 4 so when Tommy held up only 2 fingers seconds after the question had been asked it came as no surprise to him.

"How bout we change into some nice comfy clothes and techie will read you a story yeah?" Tomny nodded at the pink haired lad still very enthused by the necklace. Techno helped the boy change into a random hoodie wil had left in there and a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms that had probably been one of his friend's before tommy had stole them. Techno smiled and grabbed a random book off his shelf showing it to the little getting a small nod of approval. Techno read to the small boy holding him close smiling as the boy sucked happily on a dummy and clutched his plushies for dear life. Before techno knew it Tommy was letting soft snores out clinging to him. He wasn't sure what the dream was about but he would definitely be letting phil know the nightmares were back again bit until that would happen techno would focus on the only wanted he wanted to do which was to protect the small boy in his arms. Techno was asleep not ling after the younger and wrapping himself and the little in some blankets.

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