little ones can have bad days (tommy)

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~•□♡☆ caregiver bio☆♡□•~

Name: techno

Nicknames: techie

Little: tommy

Relationship status with little: brothers
~•□♡☆Little bio☆♡□●~

Name: tommy

Little age: 1-6

Nicknames: little gremlin, kiddo, sweetie, little raccon, racoon

Caretaker: techno

Others: phil, Kristen, Wilbur, tubbo, ranboo

Relationship status with cg: brother
Promt: tommy has a bad day and techno gets really worried over him

Suggested by: _

TW/CW: _

Word count: 1 1 3 0
3rd person
Tommy had come home from school in a worse mood then he had woke up In. He woke up in pain, he had fell down the stairs late the night before because of dutches, technos cat, tripping him and he had messed up his side. He had got in a fight with phil about school and Wilbur about his sleep schedule. Then at school he had gotten bullied, made fun of, and got in trouble with teachers. He just wanted to go home and curl up in his room and just sob. He was done with everything. The bell rang loudly as a sign school was being let out he grabbed his bag and walked out. He didn't bother stopping to wait for ranboo or tubbo he just walked home. He loved his friends, especially those two because they were his best friends but today he just wanted to be home. He feared that if ranboo gave him one more concerned look that day he would break down or slip. He wanted neither to happen in front of his friends. As far as he was aware they didn't know about his Regression or seen him fully cry. Once he got home the door was locked. Of course it was. And of course it was on a day he forgot to grab his key. Wilbur had said he was going to a party and phil was going to get kristen from the airport so techno was the only one home. Tommy grabbed his phone and called techno knocking on the door. After a few moments techno opened the door. Tommy waited for the older to move so he could just run up to his room and that's exactly what he did. As soon as techno was out of the way the boy made a run for his room. He laid in bed for a good moment before getting up changing Into a long racoon hoodie that was from animal crossing and a pair of light pastel blue shorts that barely poked out from the bottom of the hoodie because it was so long. The clothing choices made him feel small and a little bit better. He grabbed his paci that said "little pogchamp" on the handle and had a racoon as the center piece. The boy turned on his sleep Playlist and just laid there. He wanted to sleep away the rest of his life. He was seem as a bad ass online who just swore at everyone but in reality behind the camera he was your average teenage boy that had a decent amount of energy but he didn't have that today. Today he was sad. It had been a bad day for the little. He curled up not wanting to do anything. He admitted that he wished he was getting cuddles from one of his caretakers. Techno had walked past the boys room to go to his own when he heard the music playing. He at first assumed the boy was doing some homework or studying until he realized what Playlist was playing. It was Tommy's sleeping Playlist. It was only around 5 why would the boy be sleeping already? Techno softly knocked waiting for the boy to answer. After a few tries he still received nothing.

"I'm coming in toms, if you don't want me to I need you to let me know" he wanted to respect his brother but at the same time he was worried for the small boy. Techno opened the door and seen tommy laying up in his loft bed clinging to a racoon squishmallow letting out small sniffles. Tommy looked up at the older but didn't bother moving. Techno climbed up and sat at the end.

"Bad day my little raccon?" Tommy didn't speak he just shook his head yes and wiggled his way into technos lap.

"Wanna talk about it sweetie?" Tommy shook his head yet again but this time no,, he was comforted by technos soft tone. When he spoke to tommy like this it was never in his media seen monotone voice, it was soft, gentle, and caring. It caused the worry to linger away from the boy and for him to settle down. This was exactly what he needed after how today went.

"Not very talkative are we kiddo?" Tommy shook his head no in agreence suckling on his paci. Techno held him close singing the music playing to soothe the boy. Techno just wanted to make the day go away. He hated seeing his little brother so upset.

"I love you little gremlin" Tommy smiled around the paci.

"M ov I echi o" (I love my techie too) techo smiled at the boys voice being in a higher tone then normal and how the boys voice was slured, it made him sound like a little kid again. Technk knew his brother was very small. And from what Techno had inferred from how the boy had been acting showed he had been having a crap day to say the least so he needed this. Techno held the small boy close to him and made him feel safe as they both fell asleep.

"How was the party wil?"

"It was good, thanks for asking mum" Wilbur smiled sitting in the back seat. He had a good time but he was tired, he knew when he got home phil would fix something for dinner for his brother snd his mom so he could just go to sleep. They pulled up to the house and phil unlocked the door walking in followed by his wife and middle son. They were all confused on the silence. Usually they would hear yelling from someone, a video game, or at least talking. Kristen sat her bags down and was the first up the stairs, her motherly instincts kicking in, Phil followed not long after and then lead Wilbur. They looked all around upstairs until they got to Tommy's room. Phil peaked In a bit and smiled at the sight opening the door for the other 2. They seen techo holding and embracing the mentally small boy sound asleep. Phil and Kristen took a few pictures smiling at their boys and made their ways out. Wilbur went to his room to get some sleep and Kristen and phil went downstairs to make some dinner leaving the two to sleep

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