fussy babys (Jack)

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~•□♡☆ caregiver bio☆♡□•~

Name: niki

Nicknames: mommy, momma

Little: jack

Relationship status with little: friends
~•□♡☆Little bio☆♡□●~

Name: jack

Little age: 2-3

Nicknames: baby, little man, angle, mommy's little angel, pumkin, hunny

Caretaker: niki

Others: Wilbur

Relationship status with cg: friends
Promt: jack has a really fussy day and Niki tries to get him to go to bed

Suggested by: Wilburnot

TW/CW: none

Word count: 804
3rd person
Nikki and Jack had started the day recording but then jack started slipping and getting fussy so they decided to go home. Once they got back to niki's flat she helped the boy change into paw patrol footie pajamas and gave him some toys to play with. This kept the boy content for a little. Jack sat on his play mat playing woth little cars, a few of his stuffie from his stuffie collection he had at nikis place, a few barbies, play dough and some toy plates and food. Niki smiled at her small boy happy that his grumpyness had settled down. She assumed that the reason he was so grumpy is that he hadn't gotten. To see her and be little in about 2 weeks because of family things on both sides. Niki had found out about the boys regression a little over a year ago when he slipped on call with her because of a panic attack that his parents had triggered by yelling at the boy. That was the night that Jack had told his parents he was leaving and not coming back. That didn't happen. After a few days he went back but until then he stayed with Niki, who in turn became his mama. Jack handed Niki a small toy plate with rolled out things of play dough.

"For me?" Jack nodded babbling a little behind his paci. Even though Jack was around 3 he never liked using "big kid words" when he was Regressed if he did they were so slurred you could barely understand him. Niki smiled and pretended to eat it handing it back to the small boy when she was done. He played for about an hour when he started to yawn and get fussy with his toys. Niki looked at the time it was around 8 so it was probably about time to put the boy down for bed. She picked him up placing him on her hip bouncing him a little. She went to the kitchen and made him a bottle of angles milk, the boys favorite when small. She finished making it as fast as she could so her sleepy baby could get some rest from his long day.

"Shhh mummy's little angel, you're alright pumkin" she held him close rocking him. She went and sat down in the rocker resituating them. She  proped his head up and gave him the bottle slowly not wanting him to choke rocking slowly. The boys eyes started to Flutter shut and then open again like he was fighting sleep. She smiled hoping by the time the bottle was gone her fussy baby would stop fighting and give in to the light sleep. He finished it and clung to her whining more. It was clear he was sleepy. She rocked him slightly and played with his hair, simple techniques she had picked up on that made him fall asleep quicker. He was just about asleep when nikis phone went off. She glared slightly at her phone before answering it.

"Hi wil" she tried to sound nice and not slightly annoyed that he chose the worst time to call.

"Das ilby?" (Is that wilby)

"Oh we have a little man with us I see" wibur smiled.

"Yes hunny it is wilby, and yes we have a little man with us that won't go to sleepy snd is being very fussy" Niki said playing with his hair.

"Awe little man, don't be fussy with mama she's just trying to make sure you stay big and strong!" The small boy let out a small whine. He didn't wanna be a pain to his mama. He wanted to be good for her.

"How bout I sing to you, will it make it easier to sleep then?" The small boy babbled at Wilbur through the phone signifying a yes. Wilbur smiled and grabbed his guitar and started playing "soft boy" as it was one of the small boys favorites. He kept playing small songs by him, and lovejoy until he heard small snores from the other side of the phone.

"Wilbur you're a life saver!" Niki whispered picking the boy up placing him in her bed knowing the boybeoukd probably wake up fussy and want cuddles later.

"Bye bye wil"

"Bye niki" she smiled and hung up holding the small boy in her arms slowly drifting off into a light sleep.

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