Not Right (Trans Tommy FTM)

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Little: tommy
Little age: 0-8

Promt: tommy is having a bad dysphoria day at home and none of the SBI family knows that he's trans so they don't know how to help

Mild regression in this but it hints at a younger headspace

Tw: mentions of body dysphoria, dead deadnaming, misgendering

Ps. I mean no hate to anyone in this story!! I love them all!

Tommy's pov
I sighed and got out of the shower drying off I brushed through my hair that was shittily cut because I had done it myself. I looked in tbe mirror and sighed. It wasn't right. I had a chest and wasn't supposed to, I had feminine features and wasn't supposed to, and in general there was right. I checked back tears and quickly grabbed my binder slipping it on fighting with it. It was getting slightly to tight but I didn't care. It made my chest look smaller. I quickly went and threw in a baggy hoodie and some jeans.

"Tara could you come here please?" It was the name. It wasn't right. I wasn't Tara. I was tommy. I bit my lip and looked in the mirror again. I looked wrong. I looked like a girl. I quickly fought back tears realizing how long I had been staring at myself in the mirror.

"Hey! There you are hun, Wilbur mentioned prom was in a few weeks and I wanted to know if you wanted ro go dress shopping or whatever for it?"

"I don't know if I wanna go yet dad" that's a lie. I would have love to go, but it wasn't worth the people, or the transphobia, or the misgendering.

"Awe, but it's your first prom, since last year's got canceled due to the senior prank"

"Not really my thing anymore I guess dad"

"Your the most beautiful girl there, some boy had to of asked you"

"Dad just let it go! I don't wanna go!" I went up to my room and slammed my door. Pretty girl. Beautiful girl. Dress. I felt the hot tears falling. I wasn't a girl! I was a boy!  I heard a soft knock. I whined the rears off my face before I said to come in.

"I'm sorry I pushed you tara"

"It's fine dad."

"Why don't you really want to go thogh?"

"I'm a boy"


"You know how fundys trans?"


"So am I"

"Oh my son, I'm so sorry for assuming, your such a strong young man" the tears hit me like a train. I hugged phil crying. I was his son. He accepted me as his son.

"Name and Pronouns then?"

"Tommy and he/him"

"Tommy, my handsome son" once Mr and phil pulled apart I pulled my stuffed cow close to me.

"Common big man, let's go get lunch" I grabbed my chewy jewelry abd followed phil. He our on a movie for me while he made lunch. I was a brother, a son, and a man. It all felt right this time. I was actually proud to be me. I got to be papa's prince now.

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