In Command - Part 7

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Author's note: Brief mention of suicidal ideation and depression about halfway through this chapter, so if that subject matter is upsetting, proceed with caution. 

"You're right Rex, this could potentially be huge. If you and Senna can reproduce several copies of the decryption disk, we'll send a courier and ensure that they get distributed." Bail Organa's hologram flickered blue in front of Rex as he held it in his hand.

"Roger that, Senator. Senna's already working on it."

"Excellent." Even through the hologram, it was clear that Organa was unsettled about something.

"Is there...something else, sir?" Rex asked.

The hologram flickered again as the Senator ran his hands through his hair. "You two have already given us everything that we could hope for and more in terms of intelligence on Lothal, but I fear we have more to ask of you. This...superweapon that's been rumored is very concerning. We've heard mention of it from other cells as well, so it appears that this may be more than Imperial posturing over comm networks. We need the two of you try and glean as much information as you can."

"We'll do our best, sir."

"Do you have any promising sources that you could lean on or persuade to help us?"

Senna turned to look at Rex. He normally took these calls alone, but lately he'd started allowing her to listen in. She assumed it was a sign of their trust and partnership growing, but even then, she was surprised when Rex motioned her over. She stood and walked across the room to stand next to him.

"I'll defer to Senna on that one. She's been instrumental in creating sources where I wouldn't have thought possible. All of the people I've attempted to get information out of are ill-informed at best."

She felt a heat in her cheeks at his praise and bit back a sheepish grin. " I think that perhaps our neighbors have been exhausted in terms of significant information. Brak is vain, but he's not stupid. He knows where the line is in terms of sharing information. I honestly think the initial mention over dinner was an uncharacteristic slip, and I don't think we'll necessarily get more out of them."

Organa nodded, stroking his chin. "What about the Imperial commander we initially got the disk from? Do you think he's of any further use?"

Rex felt Senna stiffen next to him. It had been a few days since the encounter with Fisk, but it was clear how incredibly uncomfortable it had made her, even though she'd never say it. Ever the professional, she wasn't about to let that stop her.

"I do, Senator. Fisk is eager to break protocol, particularly since he believes I find that trait...attractive. I am almost positive we can glean more information from him, and I am confident he has higher clearances than Brak. He may know the specifics of the weapon that would prove helpful to our cause."

Organa did not appear to note her discomfort, but to Rex, it was like a neon sign. She avoided looking at him as Organa paced a few more times before responding. "Very well. Keep working him, and see if you can build out additional sources. I'll alert you once we have a courier to come and pick up the disks. Keep me apprised of any new developments."

"Yes sir," Rex and Senna murmured in unison.

"May the Force be with you." The hologram faded in Rex's hand, and Senna slowly let a breath out next to him.

"You know, you don't have to do keep doing this if you're uncomfortable," he said quietly.

"Yeah I do," she sighed. "The information he's willing to give up is just too good. I'll be fine."

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