In Command - Part 19

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"You know, you actually-"

"Tech, I swear to everything holy, if you don't back up and let me do my job, I'm going to snap your goggles."

The clone glared at her, moving a few steps back to where he was out of arm's reach but still could watch her work. Echo and Wrecker snickered while Hunter rolled his eyes. "Tech, let her work on her own equipment."

"She could just be more efficient if she-"

"Ah ah ah ah what did I just say?" Senna interrupted him, waving the soldering tool she was using menacingly at him. "It's my datapad, and I know what I'm doing."

Tech huffed just as the comm panel beeped with an incoming message. "Thank the Maker," Hunter muttered moving over to answer the call.

Rex was already seated at the console and bringing the communication up as Hunter moved to stand behind the chair. "I see everyone's getting along swimmingly back there," he smirked.

Hunter sighed deeply. "If we're not careful, we're going to come out of this with one less person, and between you and me, my money's on your girl being the last technical specialist standing."

Rex laughed, but before he could respond, Bail Organa's face appeared before them, glowing blue in the dimly lit cabin. "Greetings, Captain. Sergeant." Both clones nodded in acknowledgement. "I apologize for the delay," Organa continued. "Finding accommodations for all of you has proven rather difficult. There is much turmoil and fear right now, particularly with your confirmed report of an Inquisitor. Our allies are very nervous about taking on additional people to harbor right now." That doesn't sound good, Rex thought, his brows furrowing with concern.

"So, what are our options then, Senator?" Hunter asked.

Organa grinned. "You are to come here, to Alderaan."

Rex and Hunter shot each other a look. "Senator, with all due respect, that seems like a very bad idea," Hunter said.

The senator laughed. "It certainly is, but at this time, it's the best we've got, unless you'd rather continue to stay parked out in deep space for another few rotations until a better solution can be reached."

Suddenly, the sound of a scuffle followed by a snapping sound and a loud curse came from the back of the ship followed by Senna's raised voice. "I TOLD YOU I WOULD, TECH!" Wrecker's rumbling cackle echoed throughout the ship. Rex leaned back in his seat and could see Echo standing in between Senna and Tech, gently trying to keep her from grabbing Tech's goggles again.

Hunter rubbed his eyes while Rex leaned forward with a pained smile on his face. "We'll be there in a rotation, Senator."


As the mountains of Alderaan rose into view through the purplish haze of the twilight atmosphere, Senna felt her breath catch in her throat. She'd heard of the beauty of this world, but seeing it in person was something entirely different. Tech gently coasted the Marauder onto the platform that had been designated for them, bringing the ship down with a light touch. Helping Rex to stand, Senna allowed him to lean heavily on her as they made their way down the steps to the tarmac where Bail Organa along with several aides and staff were waiting.

"We're so glad you made it," Organa said warmly, clasping Hunter's arm in greeting. Senna slowly walked forward, firmly holding Rex's arm as he favored his injured leg. "And you two," Organa stated, turning to acknowledge them. "We owe you a great debt. Your work has proved incredibly valuable to our cause. Please allow my medical droids to take a look at the captain's injuries and take time to rest and recover here. You have all earned it."

In Command (#1 Post-Order 66 Series)Where stories live. Discover now