In Command - Part 21

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"We're about to have some uninvited Imperial guests," Organa announced, the tension throbbing in his temple despite his calm demeanor. "We do not know what they are here for or where they will want to go in the palace, but we can't deny them an inspection if they want to look around if we wish to keep them from occupying Alderaan. So, we will be disguising you and hiding you in plain sight." Turning to Hunter, he continued, "You and your men along with Captain Rex will be dressed as my royal guard. Commander Antilles here will assist in outfitting you. He will also help you move your shuttle to a less conspicuous location. Please scramble the signature on it if you can so that it won't be recognizable to Imperial scanners." Hunter locked eyes with Tech, who nodded in acknowledgement and followed the commander out of the room.

Organa turned to Senna, resting a hand on her shoulder and guiding her towards the royal quarters. "My wife will disguise you as her aide. You are to remain by her side throughout the evening and follow her lead. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," Senna nodded. She cast one last look at Rex over her shoulder before allowing herself to be led away by Breha Organa.


The formal armor of the Alderaan royal guard was much heavier than what Rex was used to, but it was meant to be a bit more decorative and intimidating than practical. Slipping the heavy helmet over his head, he was bothered by how limited his field of view was. No one's winning any wars in this gear, he thought sarcastically as he placed the long cloak around his shoulders. He reached down to check that he had strapped a vibro-blade and his blaster to his hips and followed the commander back to the throne room with Hunter and Tech. The guard stationed Hunter and Tech on either side of the hall while Rex stood near a door back and to the right of the thrones. Due to the discrepancies in their appearances that made them stand out, Echo and Wrecker had been placed in more inconspicuous parts of the palace. As Rex stood rigidly near the door, he heard the whisper of robes approaching and felt the slight breeze as the queen swept past him. A hooded figure in a long purple robe with silver embroidery followed close behind, and Rex caught the glint of Senna's blue eyes from beneath the hood, her braid trailing down her shoulder. Bail was right behind them, his mouth a tight line. He led Breha to her throne and once she was settled, he rolled his shoulders and sighed deeply before nodding at the commander, who stepped towards the main door. In the few seconds it took Antilles to reach the door and open it, Rex watched Bail Organa transform from a worried, fearful man to the calm, collected leader of the Senate that so many trusted. His shoulders relaxed and the twinkle returned to his eye as he smiled warmly to receive his Imperial intruders masquerading as guests.

The main doors opened, and an Imperial Admiral along with several lower ranking officers entered, followed by a small battalion of stormtroopers. Organa did not so much as twitch at the small army that had entered his throne room without an invitation. Instead, he stepped forward warmly to receive the intruders.

"Admiral, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" he asked, opening his arms in a welcoming fashion. The Imperial stepped forward to clasp his arm.

"Senator, it is so good to see you, old friend. I apologize for the intrusion, but we have been asked to perform a random inspection of your port. There are some troubling rumors of a potential rebel cell operating out of it, and we would very much like to put an end to that once and for all."

Bail's demeanor remained friendly despite his eyebrows rocketing skyward in surprise. "A rebel cell here? I certainly don't think so. My guards have been on the lookout for any discrepancies or suspicious activity, particularly after the reports that came from Lothal, but please, tell me how we can assist you. I'd very much like to get this matter cleared up as well..."

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