In Command - Part 18

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Senna untangled herself from Hunter's limbs and rolled off of him, patting his chest plate. "That was fun, but let's never do that again."

"No complaints from me," Hunter grunted, pulling his helmet off and letting his head rest back on the floor of the ship.

Tech was already halfway to orbit, and Wrecker was scrambling out of the gunner's nest to meet them. "Are you alright?"

"Never better, Wrecker," Echo said, leaning against the wall where he'd sat heavily after he'd closed the door.

Senna reached over to him and squeezed his arm. "Thank you guys for sticking around and not bailing on me."

"Not exactly our style. Plus, pretty sure Rex would have had something to say about it."

"You're damn right I would have," Rex called from one of the seats near the communications console Wrecker had placed him in. "What the hell happened out there?"

Senna got to her feet, pulling Hunter up with her. "Not entirely sure if I'm honest. Had the usual small army after us, but there was someone new. He called himself an Inquisitor. Never heard of one of those before." She felt the ship shudder as it entered hyperspace, and Tech came strolling back from the cockpit.

"I've heard rumors of those on Imperial chatter. They're Force wielders the Emperor and Vader are using to track down remaining Jedi and execute them. I didn't realize they were real until now," Tech said, pushing his goggles further up his nose.

"Great, one more thing to worry about," Senna muttered, picking her bag up off the floor where Tech had hurriedly dropped it.

Senna hauled her bag towards the back of the ship, giving Rex's shoulder a squeeze as she moved past him. Tech followed, pointing at a closed storage bin above her head. "That one should be mostly empty and will likely be large enough to hold your things."

"Thanks," she said as he turned around to head back towards the front of the ship. Senna could see Rex had his back to her, engaged in conversation with Hunter and Echo. She smiled as she reached up and unlocked the storage container, lifting the lid outward. A few haphazardly stowed items tumbled out, one of which landed on her foot. Tossing her bag into the empty side of the bin, she reached down to retrieve the fallen items. Looking down at the object her fingers were touching, her heart stopped and she couldn't breathe.

The blue Jaig eyes were staring back at her from the helmet that had landed on her foot. Several other pieces of armor had fallen out of the bin, white with royal blue accents. She fell backwards, scrambling away from the eyes until her back hit the opposite side of the hull. Tech turned back to look at her, concern furrowing his brow.

"Are you alright?"

Her heart was racing, but she tried to not allow her shock betray her. Moistening her lips, she nodded. Tech followed her eyes and sighed when he saw the gear on the floor. "I told Wrecker that he should stow that properly or it would boobie trap the first person to open the bin. My apologies." He stooped to pick up the helmet, placing it and the other armor pieces back into the storage bin.

"That's...that's Wrecker's armor?" Senna attempted to ask casually.

"Wrecker? Oh no, this would never suit him, or fit him for that matter. This is Rex's old armor. We've been holding it for him since he began the Lothal mission. He didn't want it to be found at your dwelling, which I believe was a good idea."

Rex. It's Rex. He's the clone in my dreams.

"Are you sure you're alright? I know plastoid is quite lightweight, but at the right velocity and angle, it can hurt quite a bit."

In Command (#1 Post-Order 66 Series)Where stories live. Discover now