In Command - Part 20

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"That cake was AMAZING!"

"Wrecker, we're all honestly surprised you tasted it at all with how fast you ate it," Echo teased.

"Yeah, I think you've scarred some of those service droids for life," Senna joked.

"Did you see the one? Wrecker almost took his arm off!" Echo was laughing so hard tears were pricking at his eyes now, and Senna joined him, doubling over in the middle of the hall as they walked back to their rooms.

Wrecker shrugged. "I was hungry, and they were in the way."

"Perhaps you should keep in mind that they are also responsible for preparing your food, Wrecker. Threatening them may not be the best idea," Tech pointed out, his eyes still glued to his datapad, which he had insisted on using during dinner, much to Hunter's chagrin.

The sergeant and Rex were bringing up the rear of the group. Hunter rolled his eyes at his team's antics as Rex stepped towards the door to his quarters.

"Get some sleep, everyone. I'll see you in the morning."

Hunter shot Rex a look and stepped closer to him. "You should make sure you get some sleep too, Captain," he said, raising an eyebrow and glancing at Senna who was standing at her own door, watching the two of them. When she saw Hunter looking at her, she fumbled with the keypad in her door, getting the code wrong several times before hustling inside. Turning back to Rex, Hunter chuckled and gave him a mock salute with two fingers before heading to his own quarters. Rex stood at his door for another few moments as the others drifted into their rooms before walking to Senna's door and quietly knocking. The door hissed open and she roughly pulled him inside by the front of his shirt.

"I think Hunter's on to us."

He laughed, wrapping his arms around her. "I hate to tell you this, but I think they're all onto us. Except maybe Tech. He doesn't seem to pick up on those things."

Senna rolled her eyes before gently burying her face in his chest and letting out a deep sigh. "I guess it was bound to happen."

"Having second thoughts?" he teased.

"Absolutely not. Now, take me to bed Captain, now that we actually have one."

He buried his face in her neck as he picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. "Yes ma'am."


They lay facing each other, the sweat still glistening on their foreheads as their panting finally calmed to a normal rate of breathing. Senna traced her fingers along Rex's neck and collar bone as she looked into his eyes. "Well, that was a pleasant upgrade from a cave floor," she grinned.

Rex let out a deep breathy laugh. "I couldn't agree more," he said, letting his fingers intertwine with hers. They lay in silence for several more moments as Rex traced patterns on the skin of her hip and she shivered under his touch. Pulling the sheet up to cover her abdomen and chest, she scooted closer to him, resting her forehead against his as his hand drifted across her waist and pressed into the small of her back, pulling her closer.

"How do you think our story ends, Rex?" she whispered after a few moments.

He adjusted himself so that he could see all of her face. She was chewing her lip again, and he placed a hand on her cheek, running his thumb over her bottom lip to keep her from drawing blood. Her brows were furrowed and there was concern in her eyes. This had clearly been on her mind for a while.

"How do you want it to end?" he asked.

She sighed. "How does everyone want their love story to end? I want our happy ending, even if it is on a farm."

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