In Command - Part 27

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Author's note: graphic description of injury, blood in this chapter

Senna laid on the floor gasping. Searing pain was shooting through her left shoulder and it almost felt as if her left hand was still there and on fire. She gritted her teeth against the pain as the Grand Inquisitor quietly strode over to her, the black smoke enveloping him as he stepped over flaming debris.

"Did you really think you could escape me, Master Aven?" he hissed, standing over her. "Do you know how Inquisitors are able to so easily track the Jedi? We use the Force against you. We can feel you in it like a stone impeding the flow of a river, and we seek you out. Of course, we use other resources, but we can sense you hiding in the dark like vermin. There are more out there like you, and we will find them all. I promise you that." He placed his boot on her left shoulder, pressing it into the floor until she screamed. "You can't win," he hissed.

Senna inhaled deeply as the pain and fear blinded her, searching for the calm in the agony. Center yourself, Senna. When chaos rains down around you, you must find peace within. You must be the eye of the storm. Only then can you save those you are charged with protecting. Shaak Ti's voice rung in her ears as she struggled to not drift aimlessly. Find what focuses you. She pictured Rex's amber eyes and how they'd looked at her the first time she'd told him she loved him, the way his hand had felt against her face. I must protect him.

Her eyes snapped open as the Inquisitor brought his lightsaber above his head for the lethal blow. Reaching out with her right hand, she called her lightsaber to her, igniting it just in time to block the red blade slashing down at her throat. The two blades hummed and crackled together, and she felt the heat searing into her neck. She stared into the Inquisitor's eyes, his shock and frustration burning through as he realized she wasn't done fighting yet. She grinned in his face.

"My mere existence is proof that you are already losing, Inquisitor. Even if I were to die, more would take my place. There is more light than dark in the galaxy, and you will see it one day. I know it. I have seen it in the eyes of the men I fight with. You cannot crush us all." Her right arm shook as the Inquisitor pressed his weight down on her, pushing the blade closer to her throat. She felt the flesh on her throat begin to sear, and she yelled with effort as she pushed back. His mouth twisted in a snarl as his brow furrowed in concentration, and he hissed in her face.

"The light cannot save you. This will be your end." All of his effort was directed at her, and she felt the darkness reaching for her again. A strange calm came over her, and she felt the Force flow through her veins, the light pushing back against him, an acceptance of her fate and a sureness that her death would not be in vain. Her master's voice echoed in her mind again. Let go.

She felt his presence before he appeared within view, Rex's imprint in the Force crashing into her like a wave on the sand, filling her with warmth. He was shouting her name as his blaster bolt hit the Inquisitor in the shoulder, knocking him backwards off of her. Rex advanced, continuously firing on the Inquisitor as the Pau'an scrambled backwards, deflecting his shots. His yellow eyes were wide with shock as the blaster wound in his shoulder smoked. Senna's head fell backwards at the relief of the heat being removed from her throat, and she felt strong hands grab her under her armpits as she heard Hunter and Wrecker shouting, their voices sounding muffled. Another explosion rocked the floor in front of them, and a massive fissure appeared in between them and the Inquisitor. The floor of the flight deck was fracturing, breaking off from the rest of the ship and putting distance between them and the Inquisitor.


She felt Wrecker's large hands scoop underneath her shoulders and thighs, her head falling against his chest as she lost consciousness.

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