In Command - Part 8

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Author's Note: this chapter does have mention of an attempted sexual assault, so please proceed with caution if that type of subject matter is triggering for you.

He stood in the briefing room of the Venator-class Star Destroyer, helmet in hand. "Commander, execute Order 66," the hooded figure in the hologram hissed.

He could stop it this time. He had to. Still, he heard himself reply "Yes, Lord Sidious." The door behind him slid open. He could stop it this time. "Rex, something terrible has happened." The voice was familiar, but wrong. He turned, his helmet falling from his hand. Instead of Ahsoka, a tall brunette human woman stood before him. Senna.

"Rex?" His weapons were already aiming at her before he could stop them. His mind was breaking as the internal screaming began.


"Find him. Find Fives. FIND HIM!" he shouted before unleashing his volley. She ignited her twin lightsabers, leaping to tackle him. His head smacked the holotable and everything went black.

It was dark, but he could hear blaster fire and shouting. "The door! GG THE DOOR!" He felt the cold hard metal of the med pod table beneath him. He had to wake up. He had to help her. Everything was in slow motion and it felt as though his limbs were made of lead. He struggled to sit up just as one of her lightsabers was shot from her hand. Her long brown braid swung back and forth as she deflected volley after volley of shots with her remaining weapon. Something was wrong. The troopers were through the door. She looked back at him, a sadness in her eyes. "Rex."

A blaster bolt hit her in the shoulder, and he yelled as she fell, another one hitting her in the abdomen as she hit the floor. The clone troopers kept firing. Rex was screaming in rage. Using all of the strength he possessed, he leapt at the closest trooper, his hands wrapping around the soldier's throat. They hit the ground, Rex straddling him as he squeezed his throat.

The trooper reached up towards his face. Rex dodged his hands until one of them found purchase on his cheek, the other sweeping into place on the other side to cup his face.

I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.

Rex's eyes snapped open. The room he was in was dimly lit by the lamp near his bed. Beneath him, Senna's arms were reaching towards his face again as his hands squeezed her throat.

"Rex," she rasped. "Rex, come back to me. It's ok."

In horror, he released her, scrambling backwards on his bed. She rolled onto her side, gasping for air and coughing. He looked down at his trembling hands. What have I done?

"Senna." His voice shook. He ran to turn on the main light in the room, rushing to kneel by the side of the bed. He cupped her face in his hands, pushing her hair away so he could see her neck. The bruises were already forming where he had clamped down, a near perfect set of fingerprints on either side. He dry-heaved at the damage he'd caused.

"I...I almost killed you."

She placed her hands on his. "But you didn't. Rex, I'm ok."

He spent several more minutes inspecting her, whispering hushed apologies as his voice cracked more and more. She slipped into the floor with him, on her knees facing him. "It's ok, Rex. It's ok. I'm here." She gently enveloped him in a hug. After some hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair and inhaling her smell. "I'm so sorry, Senna."

"You didn't know what you were doing."

"I thought-"

"It doesn't matter."

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