In Command - Part 22

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Author's Note: This chapter contains mention of suicide, so if that subject matter is triggering or upsetting, please proceed with caution.

Rex stood panting as he stared over the railing for several seconds before registering the frantic pulling on his arm. He turned slowly in his haze to see Senna staring at him in horror. "Rex, what have you done?" He could see her mind racing as she stared over the railing, and an idea clicked into place behind her eyes. "Get inside, put your helmet back on, and when you hear me scream, come running. You're going to have to follow my lead," she said frantically. She gently tapped his cheek with her fingers. "Rex, do you understand what I'm saying? We have to hurry."

He gulped and nodded, coming out of the fog. "Good, go. I'll give you fifteen seconds," she said, hustling him back towards the interior of the palace. He slipped back inside, picking his helmet back up off the floor. The hallway was still empty, but he could hear conversations happening in the throne room. Just as he got his helmet placed back on his head, a blood-curdling scream tore through the halls from the balcony. He heard the conversation in the throne room stop abruptly. That got their attention. Following Senna's instructions, he raced back out onto the balcony.

Senna was doubled over on the ground near the railing, her hood pulled back over her head. She was rocking back and forth on her heels and sobbing. Rex ran to her side and knelt by her. "Play your part," she whispered, looking over his shoulder as Senator Organa, all of the remaining Imperials, and Hunter and Tech poured out of the hallway. She resumed sobbing and rocking.

"What happened here?" the admiral demanded, reaching them first.

"I...I tried to stop him...b-b-but he wouldn't listen. He...he said he couldn't do it anymore," Senna blubbered, leaning against Rex. "H-h-he jumped. I'm sorry. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen. He just jumped."

The admiral raced to the edge and looked over into the river. Kneeling down by Senna, he took her hand in his, stroking it comfortingly as she continued to sob. "My dear, who jumped?" he asked. Meeting his eyes, Senna could see he already knew.

"C-C-Captain Fisk. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She repeated the phrase over and over as she continued sobbing.

Resting his hands on her shoulders, the admiral gently helped Senna into a standing position, wrapping his arms around her in an embrace. "Guard, please take this young woman somewhere and see to it that she's taken care of," he said, addressing Rex. Rex nodded, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and slowly walking her towards the palace interior.

Breha was pushing to the front of the crowd and wrapped her arm around Senna's waist as she helped Rex guide her inside. "Let's take her to the kitchens and get her some tea there," she said quietly.

He could hear Bail speaking quietly to Antilles about organizing a search for the body, and he met Breha's eyes for a moment. "I'll be right behind you. I need to speak with the commander," he said. She nodded and continued moving Senna down the hallway.

Rex stepped back and gently grabbed Antilles's arm. The commander had his helmet removed, and Rex leaned as close as he dared, his voice barely audible. "He has a bite mark on his right hand that cannot be found."

Antilles eyes widened, but he nodded in understanding. "We'll handle it."

As Rex stepped back in the direction Breha had taken Senna, he heard the admiral speaking quietly to Bail. "He was involved in the failure on Lothal and was recently demoted as a result. He wasn't taking it particularly well as he is...was a very career-driven man. I was under the impression he was more angry than depressed, but I just can't believe he did this here. I'm so terribly sorry for this, Senator."

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