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Castiel Novak, aged 17, didn't really care what people thought about him, but these were the words that stuck in his head, that replayed over and over, that drove him to days without school and staying in bed, watching The Walking Dead like he used to with his mom.

Today was not one of those days.

Today was one of those days when Marve, Castiel's father, dragged him out of bed and drove him to school in the crappy VW-bug.

Today was one of those days when he didn't bother to acknowledge whatever the Hell Charlie and Jo were giggling about as he walked to his table in first hour Art, 2D.

Today was one of those days when Castiel forgot to put on deodorant, and tried to plan out how he could sneak down to his gym locker where extra stick.

Today was one of those days where he was frantically eating Tic-Tacs, because he forgot to brush his teeth.

Today was one of those days when he was determined to be a grouch.

"Who pissed in his Cheerios?" Charlie whispered to Jo. Castiel's head flicked to the left where the girls were sitting.

"Who taught you how to whisper?" he snapped, causing Charlie and Jo's happy expressions to fall. "Because they obviously didn't do a very good job." A few people in the small classroom went ooh.

"Sorry," Jo said in a sassy tone. Castiel took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes with a sigh.

"My apologies, girls. I just, Marve woke me up early today and made me finish my chores 'cause I forgot to do them last because I was-"

"Reading," Charlie interrupted with a chuckle. "Yeah, we know." Cas smiled a little and shook his head. He slipped his glasses back on and opened his sketchbook right as the bell rang.

"Take it easy today, Castiel, okay?" Jo's soothing voice said. Castiel nodded.

"Class!" Ms. Milton suddenly appeared from the room, her red hair swaying behind her. Castiel sighed, every guy in his school had a crush on Ms. Milton, and he wasn't surprised. Everyday she would wear button up shirts and tuck them into tight skirts. Castiel internally groaned as she began talking again.

"Who has an open seat at their table?" The entire class turned towards Castiel, who was sitting alone at his table. While everybody else had filled up the two stools sitting across from each other, Castiel was looking at an open seat. Somebody coughed "loser" and Castiel looked down as his face became red.

"Oh, Castiel, would you mind if the new student, Dan, sits across from you today?" All eyes were on Castiel as he opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

"It's Dean."

The class' eyes averted to the front of the room where a man stood. His brown hair had a few green streaks in it, and as Castiel looked at his perfectly built face, he noticed a piercing on the man's eyebrow. He was wearing ripped jeans, black boots, a leather jacket, and a plain dark red t shirt underneath. There was a tiny gasp from the room, and Castiel could practically smell the swooning girls.

"Oh hot damn," Jo whispered. Charlie slapped Jo's arm, as she was Jo's girlfriend.

"Oh!" Ms. Milton clapped her hands. "I'm sorry, Dean, why don't you take a seat across from Castiel in the back over there?" Dean smirked and clicked his tongue as he strode to the back of the room. Castiel felt insecure in his jeans and Coca-Cola t shirt as Dean slumped down in the stool. Castiel noticed that Dean's eyes were a hazel-green, and that they were beautiful.

"Okay, guys," Ms. Miltons voice piped up again, "Just, work on your drawings, okay? Castiel? Why don't you show Dean what we're doing."

And with that the class started chattering and Castiel was left alone with Dean sitting across from him.

"I'm Castiel," he said. Dean set his hands on the table and smirked.

"I know."

Castiel became flustered and bit his lip as his eyes went down to his unfinished drawing of a monkey.

"Don't do that." Dean's rough voice drew Castiel's attention. He looked up and saw Dean, eyebrows furrowed, looking dead in Castiel's eyes.

"D-Do what?" Castiel stuttered and chewed on his lip. Dean groaned.

"Act like I'm some big bad wolf."


"You're intimidated by me, Castiel. I can tell. I may look scary, but I'm not." Castiel nodded and went back to drawing.

After about four minutes of listening to Dean tap his fingers on the table, click his tongue, snap his fingers, and tap his feet, Castiel looked up again.

"Shouldn't you be drawing?" Dean scoffed with a smile.

"Shouldn't you be drawing?" That shut Castiel up and he worked on the shading of the monkey's cheeks.

Dean began humming a tune Castiel thought he had heard a few times, but he couldn't place it.

"May I ask what song that is?" Castiel asked without looking up from his paper, because he could feel Dean's eyes on him.

"S'called This Ain't A Scene It's An Arms Race."

Castiel hadn't heard the song at all.

"Okay, one more question?" Castiel could heard Dean's mm-hm and he looked up to see that the man's eyebrows were raised with interest.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" Dean's expression softened into his normal smirk.

"You tell me," Dean answered.Castiel rolled his eyes. "Now I get to ask you a question." Castiel just hummed in recognition of Dean's speaking.

"How old are you?"

Castiel blandly replied with "17, you?"

Dean stretched and told Castiel, "18," to which Castiel nodded and stared at his now finished drawing.

"Let me see your schedule," Castiel suddenly said, his eyes snapping up. Dean chuckled and pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, then slid it towards Castiel, who studied it and compared it to his.

"So, uh, we have this hour, third, fifth, seventh, and homeroom together." Dean smiled and grabbed the paper back. Castiel was stunned when the bell rang, first hour couldn't be over already? He closed his sketchbook and shoved it into his large zip-up binder along with his pencil and stood up from the stool, trying to walk next to Charlie and Jo.

"Hey, Castiel!" Dean's voice called. Castiel turned around to see Dean looking kinda nervous with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Yeah?" Castiel asked. Dean smiled a little.

"Save me a spot during third hour, alright?"

Castiel nodded to Dean and walked out the door, guiltily thinking about Dean.

And little did Castiel know, Dean was thinking about him, too.

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