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Around June, when the final days of school appeared and Castiel's 18th birthday had passed, Dean dropped a bomb on Cas.

He had had slept with Lisa.

"You what? When?!" Cas asked in disbelief. He thought this was some sort of joke. Dean cleared his throat again.

"When we were, uh, going through that rough patch a few weeks ago. I didn't think you would do anything about it!" Cas stood up from the bed and put on his shoes, which he had previously taken off.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Castiel asked, voice cracking. Dean sat up on the bed.

"What was I supposed to tell you, Cas?! That I slept with somebody?"


"Well, I'm sorry that I didn't. I know you! You're too damn fragile, Cas!" Castiel walked over to Dean's doorway.

"Don't you even dare, Dean. Don't you start," he said, voice shaky but stern.

"What?" Dean asked, sarcasm lacing his tone, "Do I remind you of your cheating father? Is that it?"

"You shut your mouth," Cas shot back. "You're nothing like my father, Dean. You are nothing like him."

"That's just it, huh, Cas?" Dean shouted, ignoring what Cas had said. "I'm just a big fat loser? You never really loved me?" Cas was in tears now.

"Dean, I love you," he said, then grabbed the door handle, "but this... this is crossing the line. You need to straighten things out with-with this. With Lisa, your anxiety, your relationship with your damn father, for God's sake! Just... let me know when you're okay."

"Fuck it, Cas!" Dean shouted. "Fuck it all! The thing with Lisa, that didn't mean jack shit! My anxiety is under control, and my relationship with my father is fine!" Cas wiped a tear that had escaped his eye.

"Goodbye, Dean," he said, and he opened the door.

Dean didn't bother to run after him.

Sam, who had grown close to Cas over the past month or so, was standing in the hallway, face saddened.

"Castiel?" he asked. "Are you and Dean really breaking up?" Cas sniffed and pulled a fake smile.

"I don't know, honestly," he said. He ruffled Sam's hair.

"Dean was so happy with you," he said, and Cas wiped another tear from his face.

"You know quite a lot for a fourteen year old," Cas said, and Sam nodded, and obviously holding back tears, hugged Cas.

"I'll miss you," he said, Cas nodded.

"It's not forever, buddy." Sam nodded and let go of Cas.

Cas slowly walked down the stairs of the Winchester household, not wanting anyone to hear him, but ended up with Mary standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Castiel, honey, is everything alright?" she asked, worried. Cas nodded and tried to stop crying.

"Yeah, yeah, I um, I have to," Cas tried to come up with some good reasoning, but realized that Mary could see right through his lies.

"Dean cheated on me," he got out, lip quivering. Mary's face became sympathetic as she pulled Cas into a hug, rubbing his back.

"You made him so happy," she told Castiel, which made him chuckle a little.

"I guess that's a common theme everyone has seemed to pick up," he murmured.

"You take care, sweetie," Mary whispered to Cas.

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