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It was easy, seeing why Dean was so special.

Cas thought about him throughout the next school day, he thought about him when they went out to eat together the night after their first date, he thought about him while they snuck away during gym class to make out three days after their first date.

That was interesting.

The class was running laps outdoors in the late-May heat, and Cas was in front of Dean. He was doing fine, he didn't really mind running, but he was sure that Dean was going to pass out any second now.

"Cupcake," Dean panted, halting to a stop, making Cas slow down.

"Are you alright?" Castiel asked, finally turning around to see that Dean was sweating and had his knees resting on his chest. "We've only ran a mile."

"Go to the bathroom, I'll meet you there," Dean said with a smirk. Cas didn't ask questions but nodded and ran over to his gym teacher, and his access to the bathroom was granted. As Cas opened the door to the school, he glanced back at the track to see that Dean wasn't there anymore.

Castiel walked slowly to the bathroom, listening to the talking of teachers giving lectures. When he finally reached the men's bathroom, he pushed the door open and saw that it was empty. Cas walked over to the mirror and saw himself - messy hair, tired eyes, shoulders hunched over. He turned on the sink and ran his hands through the water before running them through his hair, pushing it back. He sighed and stared at his black gym shorts and gray gym shirt. Cas jumped when he heard the bathroom door open, but relaxed when he saw it was only Dean, with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, Cupcake," he growled, walking over to Cas. Cas blushed and looked to the ground as Dean set his hands on his hips.

"H-Hello, Dean," he stuttered. Dean lifted his chin up with one finger, forcing Cas to look him in the eyes.

"I know we've only been going out for like, two days, but your gym shorts are too damn distracting," Dean whispered, sending goosebumps up Cas' arms.

"Oh," he simply replied, tugging at the collar of his shirt. Dean smiled at him and set a hand on his cheek, rubbing his thumb slightly. Without removing his hands, Dean guided them to a bathroom stall and pushed Cas up against the wall.

"Who do you think about when you pleasure yourself?" Dean growled. Cas threw his head back against the tile.

"Now is not the time for twenty-questions, Dean," he mumbled. Dean only locked the stall door and moved back to Cas, standing just inches in front of him. Dean pressed a knee between Cas' leg, making the younger boy moan.

"Who do you think about?" Dean asked again, whispering. Cas groaned.

"Johnny Cash was pretty nice looking," he replied. Something flashed in Dean's eyes, almost jealousy. Dean pressed his lips against Cas' hard.

"I'll make you forget," he muttered. "Make my boy forget all about his precious Johnny Cash." Dean's lips stayed on Cas' while he took his shirt off, only breaking the kiss to get it over his head. Cas glanced at the tattoos on Dean's chest and shoulders. Dean started to take Cas' shirt off when Cas interjected.

"Dean," he mumbled with a smile. "Come back." Dean looked back up at the smaller man and smirked before pressing his body fully to Cas', lips on his neck. Cas groaned and ran his hands through Dean's hair as he wrapped his legs around Dean's waist. Dean's hands made their way to Cas' ass and he moved his lips up to Cas' own, but not kissing him, hovering them over Cas'. It was agonizing, but he wanted Cas to want him, and only him.

"Dean," Cas whined eyes fluttering closed. "Kiss me." Dean chuckled and shook his head.

"Wouldn't you rather have that boy of yours here? What's his name, Johnny? You'd like it better with him here, him instead of me, ain't that so?"

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