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The time at the cabin was fun for the boys, full of movies, music, and sex (only twice, to Dean's disapproval), but days passed and it was time to back their bags and leave.

The Impala ride back home was awfully silent, filled with music - Fall Out Boy, obviously - until Castiel spoke up.

"I want a piercing." Dean's eyes went off the road and to his boyfriend. He thought Cas was joking but realized that he wasn't.

"A piercing, Cas? That doesn't seem like you," he said. His lil' Cupcake was growing up so fast.

"Yeah, just like one or two on my ear, like you." Dean chuckled a little and adjusted his grip on the steering wheel.

"Okay, babe, one, that's piercings. Plural. And B, you don't really seem like the piercing type."

"Well, excuse you, Mister I'm A Tough Punk Rocker," Cas snapped. Dean sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Sorry, I just-- really? You sure?" Cas shot Dean a glare that made him look like an angry wife, and that shut Dean up quick.

"You look so hot with your piercings, I just thought maybe you'd like me more if I had some," he mumbled, turning to look out the window.

"Hey, now," Dean said, putting his index finger in the hair. "You are by far hot, Cas. If you wanna get a piercing go ahead. I'm not in charge of you. Just don't do it for me." Cas fiddled with his glasses as a ten second silence passed.

"I feel like you'll end up finding someone better than me, Dean. Like I'm not cool enough for you. I mean, seriously why do you even like me?"

"You, my parents, Sammy, you're the only thing I got, Cas. You're the only thing I have to love. That's so special to me, okay. I love you, a lot, don't ever think otherwise. In all honesty, I don't give a damn about what you look like." Cas crossed his arms over his chest.

"I still want a piercing," he said. With a sigh and a small laugh, Dean ended the conversation by turning the radio up.

Where is your boy tonight?

I hope he is a gentleman

They had a few days left of spring break, and today the boys were laying on Dean's couch, watching Dirty Dancing. Dean had fallen asleep with his arm wrapped around Cas' waist and Cas could hear him talking in his sleep.

"Cas," he got out, almost a moan, and Cas blushed. He ignored Dean's dream, because it was Dean's, even if Cas was in it.

"I carried a watermelon," Baby said from the TV, and around that moment, Cas heard Dean's phone chirp from Dean's lap. He picked it up lightly and saw that he had gotten a text message from 'Lisa.'

Hey Dean! ;) Just saw your car at the mall the other day, was wondering if maybe you wanna meet up since you're in town?

Cas rolled his eyes, knowing Dean wouldn't meet up with this Lisa girl, set the phone down, and tried to concentrate on the gorgeousness on the TV that was Patrick Swayze, but he couldn't with Dean's dream-talking.

"Fuck, Cas," Dean moaned in his sleep, shifting on the couch. There was a blanket covering his lap, so Cas couldn't really tell what was going on down there, if there was something going on down there. But judging by Dean's flushed cheeks, parted lips, and sweaty forehead, something was going on down there.

Cas crawled up onto Dean's lap, causing the Winchester boy to stir. Castiel leant down and kissed Dean's lips, which eventually woke him up.

"Cas?" he asked, his I-Just-Woke-Up voice hoarse. "Babe, what are you doing?"

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