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1 year later

Sydney, Australia

"Alright," Dean spoke into the microphone over the thousands of fans in the audience. "This last song is for somebody out there that I really do love with all my heart. Cupcake, this one's for you."

Castiel smiled in his third row seat and ignored the practically dying girls around him. Although, Cas was a little confused when Gabriel and Ross walked off the stage, leaving Dean standing alone in the middle with his acoustic guitar.

"Wow, um, I'm really nervous," Dean chuckled, running a hand through his now plain brown hair. He had gotten over the dye and eyebrow piercing, but showed off his tattoos and skinny jeans proudly.

"I've never sang a song with just my guitar, and, um, well, this is a song by the band Train and uh, this song is kind of, for somebody, and well, just, I'll let you listen."

As Dean began playing the guitar, the crowd cheered, most of them knowing what song it was. Dean smiled a little, and the crowd awwed. Cas didn't recognize the song, however, but his heart skipped a beat when he saw that the backdrop was a slide show of pictures of he and Dean; of he and Dean hugging, kissing, taking selfies, Cas eating, and even sleeping.

A few girls next to Cas turned to him in awe and nearly fainted. They giggled, but everybody went silent as Dean began singing.

"Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way," he sang, and Cas almost cried. Dean stopped playing and singing for a few seconds and had to look down at his feet, before grabbing the microphone.

"I'm sorry," he said, voice shaky. "This is just really really nerve wracking for me and I just-" Dean made direct eye contact with Cas and smiled lightly. "Cas? Can you come up here?" Castiel flushed red and began to walk by the stage, finally reaching the front. Girls and guys were cheering and clapping as Dean bent down and reached out his hand.

"Trust me," he said, and Cas grabbed onto it, being hoisted up by Dean. They were both shaking. Dean pecked Cas' cheek.

"Are you okay?" he asked, and Cas nodded, eyes wide.

"You don't have to do this," Cas said back. Dean just smirked and went back to the microphone, leaving Cas standing in the middle of the stage. Dean took a deep breath and began to play again. He glanced at Cas one last time before saying - or singing - the words that he would never regret.

"Marry me

Today and every day

Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say 'Hello' in this café."

The crowd cheered loudly and Cas felt his eyes water. Dean put his guitar down and walked over to Cas as Gabriel and Ross came out, continuing the song for Dean. Dean grabbed Cas' hands, and then, he did it.

Lowering himself down on one knee, Dean held Cas' hand tightly as he pulled a silver ring out of his pocket, hands shaking slightly. Cas was full on crying now.

"Marry me?" Dean asked, himself crying now. Cas nodded yes and the crowd cheered, once again. Dean stood up and slipped the ring onto Cas' finger before resting his forehead onto his now fiancé's own. Cas closed his eyes and let the tears fall.

"Dean, we're going to get married," he whispered.

"Yeah, I guess we are," Dean replied.

"We're going to have a life together," Cas mumbled over the cheering, "Grow old together, live in a house in Wisconsin."

"Maybe a few kids," Dean finished their fantasy. "It's gonna be great, Cas, our life is gonna be great."

"Yeah," Cas replied. "It really is."

The End.

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