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"Do you, Dean Winchester, take Castiel to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Dean looked at Castiel, who was smiling with tears in his eyes.

"I do," he choked out.

"And do you, Castiel Novak, take Dean Winchester to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Castiel said with a nod and a voice crack.

"I now pronounce you-"

"Dean! Wake up!" Benny shouted. Dean groaned and sat up from the cheap futon in his dorm. Damn college. He glanced at the alarm clock next to him. 4:30 am.

"Benny! What the hell?!" he asked. Benny chuckled.

"You were talkin' in your sleep again. Somethin' 'bout Castiel? Care to tell who she is?" Dean sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Shut up, fuckface," Dean shot at Benny, who held his hands up defensively.

"Pardon me, Mr. Winchester, but youse the one dreamin' 'bout some girl. I bet she just loved you, Dean, ain't that right? Loved your big fat gay ass."

"Shut up!" Just then, Dean's phone buzzed on the table next to his bed, and Benny snatched it before Dean could get it. His eyebrows raised.

"Ooh! A text from Cas. Pretty sure that's short for Castiel, ain't I right?" he teased. Dean's face turned bright red as Benny opened his phone and began to read his messages that were sent to Cas.

"Oh, Cupcake. I wish you were here with me. Your beautiful blue eyes and amazing hair. I love you," Benny read off in a fake non-Southern accent.

"Fuck you," Dean muttered as he ripped the phone from Benny's hands. The country man walked back to his bed, flipping off Dean in the process.

Once Benny was finally asleep, about five minutes later, Dean turned his attention to the things that were happening on his phone.

Things here at college are good, Cas' text message read. There's a very nice woman who I have a class with named Anna. She's asking me if I want to come to her dorm a lot.

Dean felt his face heat up. Castiel was his little marshmallow, not this other persons. Dean furiously typed back.

You haven't done anything with her, have you?

Then a reply.

No! I went over to her dorm one time, and we didn't do anything that both of us agreed to. I think you're forgetting that I'm gay.

Dean chuckled and rubbed a hand across his face, but his smile fell when he reread Cas' text.

What do you mean 'that both of us agreed to'?

There was no response.

Dammit, Cas! Answer your fucking phone.

I don't want to fight, Dean.

Then tell me what the hell you meant by that! I know you, Castiel, you're hiding something.

There was a long pause.

I think I was raped, Cas' text bubble read.

Dean's phone nearly fell out of his hands as his eyes welled up with tears.

You what?! Why didn't you tell me!?

Because I wasn't sure, Dean, alright! One minute we're sitting there talking about one of our professors and the next she's offering me this drink! All I remember was waking up in her bed, and she told me I fell asleep, but something didn't feel right. I mean, I was sore, and my shirt wasn't buttoned up correctly, but I didn't think anything of it.

Did you call the police? You should've gone there right away.

I haven't.

Dammit, Cas, I should have been there. I could've protected you.

Don't you dare blame this on yourself, Dean. Don't.

Well who else am I supposed to blame it on?


Shit, Cas. What're we gonna do?

Keep it a secret.

I'm supposed to keep the fact that my boyfriend was raped a secret!

Yes! This is why I didn't tell you, Dean! You're blowing this out of proportion.

Blowing it out of proportion? Cas, she had sex with you without your consent! That's illegal.

Maybe what happened at the cabin was illegal! Maybe I should just report you to the police!

Dean's eyes widened as he remembered the incident.

"Dammit, Dean, I said stop!"

I'm sorry, Cas' next text said. I shouldn't've brought it up. I'm so sorry.

The lump in his throat wouldn't go away as he typed to Cas again.

That was different. The police wouldn't do jack shit because I stopped. You didn't like it and I stopped.

Maybe we should just stop!

Dean froze and was crying now. This was the worst he had ever felt.

What's that supposed to mean, Cas?

Maybe we should take a break from each other.

Dean's fingers moved down to the tattoo on his chest of the angel feather.

Okay. If that's what you want. But I just want you to know something.


I just had a dream about us getting married. And for once in my life, I wished my dream was real. Because I love you so damn much, Cas. So much.

Dean, you're going to make me cry.

Good, Cas! Cry! Crying is good! Crying shows me you care, that you love me! That I'm not just some fucking sex toy who's there for you only when you want me!

Dean, please. Don't.

Don't what, Cas! Don't get upset because my boyfriend is breaking up with me!? Well, news flash, I guess it's a little hard not to!

I'm so sorry, Dean.

Cas, buddy. I need you.

Goodnight, Dean.

I love you, Cupcake. I love you so much.

There was no familiar response of I love you too.

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