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"What the Hell was that?"

"His name is Dean, right?"

"If I wasn't a lesbian, he would be getting laid tonight."

"Do you like him?"

"He's hot!"

These were all things Castiel heard Charlie said on their way to second hour, while Jo trailed behind.

"Charlene Bradbury, really, I don't like him, he's rude," Castiel lied. Charlie scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Puh-lease, Castiel, you were smiling at him the entire hour."

Castiel blushed.

"And he kept staring at you!" Charlie suggested. "I think you guys have a Bender-Claire sort of relationship going on."

"Don't relate us to Bender and Claire!" Castiel said defensively.

"So you and Dean are us now, isn't that so?" she teased with a snicker. Castiel rolled his eyes.

"Fine, maybe I do think he's cute..."

Charlie squealed.

"But that doesn't mean anything! For all I know, he's straight!" Charlie sighed in defeat and walked into the classroom, leaving Castiel a confused mess in the hallway.

"He's not good, you know," said a voice. Castiel whipped around to see Jo with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Pardon?" Jo smirked a little.

"Trust me, Castiel, I know what kind of guy Dean is. One minute you'll be in love and the next he's off screwing the cashier from Gas-N-Sip."

"How would you know?" Castiel defended. Jo scoffed.

"I went to his school junior year, he told me he was bisexual, but I thought oh well, I had a chance with him, right? I told him I was bisexual, and that we'd make a good couple, and I fell in love. Soon enough, he was getting into fights, getting tattoos, and finally screwing the chick from Gas-n-Sip."

Castiel sighed.

"How do I know you're not lying?" Jo let out a sharp laugh.

"You can't. Just trust me, Castiel, he's a jerk."

Little did Castiel know that Dean was in the hallway behind Jo, and he heard the entire conversation.

The rest of the day Dean managed to avoid Castiel. He was too embarrassed to even look at the younger boy, let alone talk to and sit by him.

The truth was, Dean wasn't the one that was cheating.

It was Jo.

But still, Dean knew Castiel would hate him, and that they'd never have a chance to be friends.

Dean Winchester thought he was poison.

And so after school, when Dean heard a voice calling after him, he swore under his breath.

"Dean! Hey!" The Winchester turned around from his motorcycle to see Castiel running, book in hand, concerned look on his face.

Dean clutched his helmet to his waist.

"Fuck," Dean said, which was really the only way to describe the situation. "Fuck," as in, fuck, Castiel looks hot when he's running, and "Fuck," as in, fuck, I hoped he would just ignore me.

"Dean," Castiel finally panted once he reached Dean and his motorcycle. Dean rolled his eyes at Castiel's windblown hair and crooked glasses.

"Yeah?" Dean asked, knowing that if he had shown any sign of wanting to talk to this man, Castiel would keep talking to him. Castiel pulled a surprised face.

"Are you kidding, Dean? You're all buddy buddy with me for one hour and the next you're shunning me?" Castiel straighten his glasses with a heavy sigh.

Dean just shrugged his shoulders and lifted up his helmet. Castiel tucked his papers under his arm and lunged for the helmet, which Dean chuckled at.

"Don't you dare go motorcycling away!" Castiel half said-half shouted. Dean laughed.

"Motorcycling, huh?" Castiel blushed. Dean tucked the helmet back under his arm and smiled at Castiel, who cocked his head sideways with an annoyed look on his face.

"Shut up. And besides, I'm going to ignore you if you don't talk to me." Dean chuckled and bit his lip.

"Sweets, you couldn't ignore me if you tried." Castiel blanked out and thought of what Charlie said earlier.

"D-Don't you Bender me, Dean Winchester! If anything, I'm the Bender in this relationship and you're Claire!" Dean let out one of those cute laughs, where his eyes crinkled and his shoulders shook.

"This is a relationship now, Cas?" Dean joked, adapting to his constant nicknaming habit.

"Apparently so if you're shortening my name," Cas mumbled, but it was loud enough for Dean to hear. A silence passed, and after a few cars roaring by Dean's motorcycle, Dean spoke up.

"Okay, Cas, I'll tell you what. I'll take you to the park and explain to you why I was acting like the douchey guy I was, but you have to tell me if you believe what Jo told you this morning. Okay?"

Cas squinted.

"How did you know what Jo told-" Dean nervously cut him off.

"I'll explain it to you when we get there, cupcake. Now, you've gotta hop on," Dean explained, gesturing to his motorcycle.

Cas raised his eyebrows and scoffed.

"There is no way in Hell that I am riding that."

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