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Castiel and Dean were practically inseparable for the next three weeks. Every two days or so they would go to each other's houses, and Dean would text Cas, a lot. They never really did anything intimate besides kissing, but at the time there wasn't the need to. They had gotten to know each other well. Dean wasn't one for showing off during school, but in between classes he would sneak a kiss or two in, and during boring classes they would go to the janitors closet and make out, like in a cliche movie.

By the day before spring break, Dean and Cas knew almost everything about each other.

Castiel had talked to Marve (who still thought Dean was just a friend) and convinced him to let he and Dean go to the family cabin for spring break.


So yeah, Cas was pretty excited.

The final bell rang for school and lots screamed. Jo and Charlie talked while Cas went straight to his locker, wanting to get to the cabin as soon as possible. He and Dean had already been packed for weeks.

Cas didn't need to take anything with him except for his phone and book, Watership Down, and so he grabbed them, but couldn't help but straighten up his locker. He almost had a heart attack when he felt hands wrap around his waist.

"Hey Cupcake," Dean whispered in his ear. Cas shut his locker and turned around to see the tattooed man smiling down at him.

"Don't do that!" Cas yelled, playfully slapping Dean's chest. Dean chuckled.

"Guess what?" he asked. Cas shook his head blankly. "I got the car for break so we don't have to ride the motorcycle!" Cas and Dean liked the motorcycle, just, it wasn't the thing for a two and a half hour drive.

Cas hugged Dean tightly.

"This is gonna be the best spring break ever," he told Dean.

Cas was a little nervous for the first half hour or so of the ride. It wasn't that he was scared, no, he trusted Dean. He just couldn't stop thinking. Thinking about what they would do there. Eventually, Dean caught onto Cas' shakiness.

"You alright, Cupcake?" he asked. Cas nodded and glanced over at Dean.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." Cas squinted and looked out the car window, focusing on the music Dean was playing.

I need more dreams

and less life

"I've been thinking about this all week, Cas," Dean mumbled as the song continued. "Thinking about you and me, an entire week together. Nobody around to interrupt us."

I've cried tears you'll never see

"Are we gonna... you know?" Cas nervously asked. Dean raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"No, I don't know," he said.

So fuck you, you can go cry me an ocean and leave me be

"You know... like... do it?" Dean laughed, loud.

"Can if you wanna," Dean teased. Although, Cas had a feeling he wasn't.

You are what you love, not who loves you

"I like this song," Cas muttered and Dean smiled and began singing along.

"In a world full of the word yes, I'm here to scream..." As Cas had said before, Dean wasn't the best singer. Neither was he, but he'd heard this song once or twice and decided to sing along.

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