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Dean knew that this love wasn't ordinary. He had said I love you before during sex, but this time he meant it. He thought about what it would be like, spending the rest of his life with Cas. It scared him though, because from now on, he would either get married to Cas of break up with him.

Dean could hear Cas singing a song from the shower, but he couldn't put a finger on it. It was when he heard the chorus when he almost started laughing at how dorky Cas was.

"I fell into a burning ring of fire," his deep voice sang. Dean tried to ignore Cas' (very good, might he add) Johnny Cash impression as he finished cleaning the room, but it was too distracting. Dean nearly died during the second the chorus when he was throwing away the used condom and wrapper, because if Dean said Cas' deep voice wasn't one of the hottest things he'd ever heard, then he'd be lying. Dean sighed of relief when he heard the shower turn off and he pulled on a pair of boxers and t shirt. Castiel came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and a flushed face.

"Hey Mr. Cash," Dean joked, and Castiel's cheeks turned bright red. "I guess that's a pretty big crush if you're thinking about him in the shower." Cas walked over to the dresser and saw that Dean had put their clothes away already.

"I wasn't thinking about him in that way," Cas mumbled, shuffling through the underwear and socks in the top drawer. Dean smirked and grabbed Cas' wire glasses from the bed stand. They were adorable to Dean.

"Can't see jack squat, goddamned eyes," he heard Castiel mumbling. Dean snuck up behind Cas and slid the glasses on the younger boy's face, who didn't do anything but chuckle. Dean then let his hands slide down to Cas' now freshly shaved chest.

"Castiel Novak," he growled, emitting a gasp from the other man. "You are going to be the death of me." His hands moved lower down to Castiel's stomach. Cas continued to rifle through the drawers as if nothing was happening.

Dean planted his lips on Cas' neck and lightly kissed the skin there, causing Cas to tilt his head hack slightly, dropping his hands from the dresser.

"We have all week," Cas whispered. "We don't have to constantly do this, Dean." Dean smiled and turned Cas around completely.

"I know." He pressed his lips to Castiel's, and they immediately knew what to do. Cas' arms wrapped around Dean's neck, and he enjoyed the feeling of Dean's tongue ring sitting on his own tongue. As much as Castiel loved this, he knew they needed to stop. He wanted to get to know Dean, too.

"Stop, Dean," Cas mumbled, pulling away from Dean's lips. Dean, however, was content with kissing Castiel's neck. Cas gave Dean a little shove.

"Dean," he said again, louder this time. Dean didn't stop, but only moved his lips lower. It was when Dean's hands reached Cas' towel when he full on pushed Dean away from him.

"Dammit, Dean, I said stop!" Dean's eyes widened in realization.

"I'm sorry," he said. Castiel shook his head. He was angry. Why didn't Dean just stop?

"No, Dean, you're not sorry." Dean felt, a lump form in his throat.

"Cas-" he tried to say, voice cracking. Castiel avoided all eye contact.

"I told you to stop and you didn't, Dean!" Cas practically yelled at this point, and without a word, Dean walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

He was so stupid. To think Castiel even liked him was a risk, let alone love him. Dean knew he was poison, he knew he broke everything he touched. He swiped the lamp and books off of the table in the middle of the dimly lit living room.

Dean flipped a chair over before relaxing down, but still pissed at himself, walked outside the cabin onto the porch. The April air was chilly on his legs, but not too bad. It was a warmer year for up north.

"Dean?" he heard Castiel ask. Dean didn't say anything but lay down on the porch swing and start crying. He always messed things up like this, and Cas didn't deserve to have a fuck-up like him in his life.

Dean ignored it when he heard the squeak of the door open, and when he felt the swing move as Cas sat next to him.

"I'm sorry," Cas said, rubbing Cas' legs. Dean buried his face in his hands and cried. Cas leaned down on the swing next to Dean. "Baby, please talk to me." Dean shook his head. "I love you, Dean," Cas said, trying everything to get his boyfriend to look. Dean finally hugged Cas tight and looked up at the starts, still crying a little.

"I didn't take my meds," Dean admitted to Castiel. Cas looked down at Dean with his eyebrows creased.

Dean clutched onto the Fall Out Boy t shirt that Cas was now wearing and sniffed. "Your meds?" Cas asked.

"For my anxiety. I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't want you to break up with me and laugh at me and-" Cas pressed a quick kiss to Dean's lips.

"Baby, I wouldn't've cared. I love you, okay?" he told Dean.

"Everyone I get close to, Cas, I hurt them." Cas shook his head.

"I'm not hurt, Dean." Dean turned around the other way so he wasn't facing Cas.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Cas," he said. "I'm such a sap, but I am so in love with you. So utterly in love with you." Cas rubbed Dean's back.

"I'm sorry about earlier," he said. "I was just tired and cranky. I am tired." Dean turned around to face Cas.

"Wanna go to bed?" he asked. Castiel yawned and nodded.

"Wanna just lay here," he mumbled, curling up against Dean's chest. Dean sighed and sat up.

"You're going to have a serious backache if you don't sleep in a bed," Dean told him. "C'mon, Cupcake," he said as he grabbed Cas' hand and walked slowly to the bedroom.

Cas stumbled over his feet a little as he and Dean walked to the bedroom together. When they reached the bedroom, Cas took off his glasses and set them on the bedside table. He held Dean's hand as he plopped down on the king sized bed, taking Dean down with him.

"Dean," Cas said, curling up against Dean's chest. "Can you sing a song?" Dean sighed and wrapped an arm around Cas' waist and pulled the covers up over them.

"I'm not a very good singer," he said and Cas shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Sing," he mumbled. Dean sighed again.

"I've got troubled thoughts

And a self-esteem to match

What a catch

What a catch."

Cas groaned.

"That's such a sad song! Sing a happy one!" Dean chuckled; Cas was such a dork when he was tired.

"Am I more than you bargained for yet?

I've been dying to tell you anything

You want to hear

Cause that's just who I am this week."

And this was why Dean was happy. He was content here, in a warm bed next to a warm, sweet, caring, amazing person. He had everything he needed.

He had Cas.

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