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July 4th
One month later

Dean and Cas were distant. Sure, they called each other (phone sex, amirite), and here and there Dean would go over to Cas' and they'd play some stupid game with the neighbor kids like tag or hide and seek. But their relationship just wasn't there. There was no spark, and it upset Cas, because he would watch now 15 year old Sam go off with his girlfriend, and they'd kiss each other and hug. Dean and Cas, well, they just kind of laid on top of each other and ate food. And Dean and Castiel weren't the only ones having problems. After Dean's suicide attempt, John left Mary, and as a result, Mary's brother, Bobby, moved in with his girlfriend and her son into the huge, two story, eight bedroom Winchester house.

"I love pizza," Dean mumbled one day in particular. He and Cas were laying out in the grass at the annual Winchester Fourth Of July party, which consisted of Mary and Uncle Bobby lighting off fireworks while Bobby's girlfriend, Jody, sat with her son, Sam, and his girlfriend, Jess watching them.

"You're an idiot," Cas said back, but quickly added, "my idiot." Dean smiled widely and shoved the final bit of crust into his mouth and reached for the last slice of pizza that was in the box. Castiel also reached for it, and their hands touched it at the same time. Dean looked up at Castiel with determination in his eyes.

"It's mine," he growled. Cas narrowed his eyes.

"You've already had five slices. You're gaining a pudge," he argued.

"You like my little pudge," Dean shot back. Without any hesitation, Cas grabbed the slice quickly and ripped it away from Dean's hand.

"I like pizza more!" he squealed, shoving the bottom of the slice in his mouth.

"No!" Dean cried, leaping towards Cas, resulting in the Novak being pinned to the ground, the pizza being tossed two feet away. Dean smirked at Cas.

"It's America day!" Cas shouted. "I deserve freedom!" He wriggled under his boyfriend's grip, who just chuckled and held Cas' wrists down.

"Say I'm cooler than you and I'll let you go," Dean bargained. Cas shook his head.

"No way!" he replied. Dean laughed and adjusted himself on Cas' hips.

"C'mon, Cas' you can do it. 'Dean Winchester is cooler than me.' It's just six simple words." Cas rolled his eyes.

"Fine, Dean Winchester is cooler than me," he said in a sarcastic tone. "Good?" Dean nodded and pecked Cas on the lips before tumbling off him.

Cas sighed and grabbed Dean's hand so they were both lying next to each other under the dark, firework lit sky.

"I'm gonna miss you during college," Dean sighed. Cas nodded and squeezed Dean's hand.

"I'm sorry I'm going away," he said, truly sorry. Dean was going to the college in the same city that he lived, while Cas was accepted to Wisconsin's major college in Madison.

"I'm not that far away from you, Cupcake," Dean whispered. "We could visit each other during breaks." Cas nodded and squeezed Dean's hand. "But let's not think about that right now, okay? Let's live in the moment."

Cas stood up abruptly, yanking Dean's arm with him. Dean winced and sat up, eyebrows raised. Cas didn't say anything but ran over to the pool that was in Dean's backyard just a few feet away. They both could hear the kids and Bobby, Jody, and Mary from the front, and Cas smiled deviously.

He took off his shoes, socks, shirt, and pants, throwing them off to the side, leaving him in his orange underwear. He almost forgot to take off his glasses, but remembered and walked them over to the table that was next to the pool. Dean giggled and ran over by him.

"What are you doing?" he asked. Cas shrugged and grabbed Dean by the shirt.

"Living in the moment. Care for a swim?" Dean was left dumbfounded as Cas started taking off his shirt, then moving down to his pants. Dean's jeans barely were able to get over his shoes, which were later discarded, along with his socks. Cas sighed in satisfaction when Dean was finally left in his plaid boxers.

"There," he mumbled, before jumping into the section of the pool that was around five feet deep. Dean giggled and jumped in after him, making a huge splash that hit Cas' face.

"Dean!" he squealed, shutting his eyes tight. Dean laughed and swam over to his boyfriend before pulling him into a hug. Cas relaxed and opened his eyes.

"You know," Dean softly said, "this is the most romantic thing we've done in a while." Cas nodded and ran his fingers through Dean's wet hair, and gasped when he felt something hard against his leg.

"Dean!" he pulled back and said, surprised. Dean shrugged.

"Sorry, babe, like I said, we haven't done anything in a while so he goes up easily." Cas blushed and smiled a little.

"You call it a he?" he asked with a giggle. Dean chuckled and pulled Cas back into a hug.

"I wanna show you something," Dean whispered. Cas nodded but was confused when Dean pulled back, but got it when he saw what he was showing him.

On Dean's chest, right above his heart, laid a new tattoo. In calligraphy writing, it said, He was going to make the angels fall like rain. Next to it was a black feather with specks of blue and green in it. Cas looked up at him, eyes watering.

"This is what you said to me," he whispered, tracing the tattoo with his fingers. Dean nodded.

"I don't know if you like it not..." he trailed off. Cas shook his head and hugged Dean tightly.

"I love it," he said, then adding, "I love you." Dean smiled and kissed Castiel for the first time in what felt like an eternity. He would've done more to Cas (if you know what I mean), but there were aww's and even a camera flash coming from the porch. Cas pulled away quickly and looked at the porch, where everybody at the party was smiling and Mary had a camera in her hands. Dean shooed them away.

"Alright, alright!" he shouted, heaving himself out of the water. Jody jokingly whistled at Dean's wet boxers, which earned her a glare from Bobby and a chuckle from everyone else. Cas, however, was still in the pool, huddled by the edge so nobody could see his bare chest. Dean noticed and smiled at him lightly, then crouched down by him.

"Gonna come out, little fish?" he whispered. Cas shook his head.

"I don't want them to see my in my underwear! Especially with things that are going on down there!" he whispered back. Dean chuckled and stood back up.

"Sammy?!" he shouted. "Can you toss me those towels up there?" Sam nodded and balled up the two beach towels that were lying on the edge on the porch and threw them at Dean, who sat them on the ground. He then held his and out for Cas to grab (which Castiel gratefully accepted) and pulled him up onto land. He quickly snatched one of the oversized beach towels and wrapped it around Castiel's shoulders, earning more aww's from people on the porch. Dean grabbed the other towel for himself and the pair waddled over to the porch, not caring to put their clothes back on. Jody's son, Owen, handed Cas his glasses, who put them on and could finally see clearly.

The party watched as the neighbors set off fireworks. There were all kinds - blue, red, green, and Castiel's least favorite, the really loud bright ones. Dean covered Cas' ears during those.

"Happy Fourth of July," Dean whispered into Cas' ear, and then, "I love you."

Cas just smiled and nodded, knowing Dean knew he loved him back.

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