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Four years later

Chicago, Illinois

"Here they are, ladies and gentlemen, the guys you've been waiting for, Angel Epidemic!"

Dean, Ross, and Gabriel walked out onto the stage where their question and answer session would be held at the First Ever Angel Epidemic Convention. There were lots of loud cheers, and Dean could barely see past the thousands of blinding lights of camera flashes. The boys' body guard, Chris, set the microphone down on the table in front of the white leather couch where the band would sit. Dean ended up sitting crisscross. A few girls in the front row wearing Angel Epidemic t shirts squealed and almost passed out. Dean chuckled and ran a hand through his now longer, blue streaked hair. He grabbed the microphone from the table and smirked.

"Hi," he said, and there were cheers from the audience. "Um, so, we're obviously Angel Epidemic, and um-" Ross took the microphone from Dean and held it up to his lips.

"Don't let Dean talk, he'll mess everything up," he said and the audience laughed. Dean smiled and took the microphone back, then squinted at the fans.

"Um, so, questions, I guess?" he said. Almost everybody's hands went up, and Dean ended up choosing a girl in the front first. She giggled and blushed before asking her question.

"Hi, this is for Dean. I was wondering, why did you start the band and who were your influences?" The boys on the couch looked at Dean, who was smirking.

"Well, uh, basically what happened was I went through this really bad breakup a few years back - and I mean bad. I cried for a month straight and refused to talk to anyone - and I guess I started just singing, got some vocal lessons from my aunt, picked up Ross and Gabe and badabing, we've got ourselves a band. And, um, my main influence is Fall Out Boy, but the guys, I know they're really inspired by the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Queen, uh, a little bit of Panic! At The Disco." There were cheers from the audience at the mention of each band. Dean handed off the microphone to Gabriel.

"You!" Gabe pointed at a woman who was practically shaking with her hand in the air.

"Hi!" She was very jumpy. "I've noticed that in some of your songs, Dean sings "Cupcake" a lot. I mean, it could just be me, but is this Cupcake a person?" Gabe looked at Dean.

"Dean-o here writes all the songs," he said, "but I think once or twice he's told us that Cupcake is sort of a nickname he used to call this person he dated." Dean bit his lip and nodded as the mic was handed back to him.

There was a hand that was sticking up shyly in the back, and Dean couldn't see the person's face, but he pointed to them.

"You, in the back!" he said. The audience all looked back at the hand that had lowered.

"Hello," a deep, gravely, male voice said, "I was wondering if your song "Make The Angels Fall" was written about anyone in particular? If so, could you share who?"

Dean's jaw went slack. He could recognize that voice from anywhere, even though he hadn't heard it in years.

"Cas?" he whispered, but not into the microphone, so nobody could hear it. There was a period of just Dean sitting, taken aback, until Ross nudged him.

"Uh, yeah, right. Um," Dean rubbed the back of his neck, "It was written about this person I dated. I was honestly so in love with them, I dreamt of living my entire life with them. And so, um, one day, I said to this person that they were going to "make the angels fall like rain," and that's where the song came from. I have a tattoo with that same saying on it, and I also wrote "Blue Eyes" about them too, cause, you know, they had blue eyes."

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