2k Thanks!!!! (Not actual chapter)

692 26 18

People!! PEOPLEEE!!

This story has  gotten over TWO THOUSAND reads!

It has Sixty-six votes!!!! Twenty one comments!!

This is amazing! Thank you all soooooo much!!! This is great!!

**~~**~~**~~And now I'm going to do a really long boring speech**~~**~~** 


I while ago I was really inspired for some reason. I started getting these great ideas for a story and at the time I was watching Baka and Test. I started mixing in the characters with my ideas and I came up with this story! When I posted it, I didn't expect for it to actually get reads cuz I've always been horrible with writing and I never do well in my English class. But it slowly started getting reads and then it began to get more and more each day, week, and month!

Honestly, the comments, votes and reads make my day every time I check on this story!!

Where am I going with this....? Goodness I'm a total blabbermouth!!

You guys are just amazing!!!!

Merci Beacoup!!!!!!! ♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪

Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOUUUUUUUUU! 

Kouta Tsuchiya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now