A Christmas Special!!!!

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You sat at the edge of the school's fountain tapping your pencil on your notebook. You were making a list of things you would need for the Christmas party you were going to have.

"Table cloth... Hmmm.. I can go with snowmen or Christmas trees..."

You looked up from your notebook to ask your peers for their opinions. They were busy training their avatars but seemed to not be doing a good job. They all were going against your avatar but they seemed to be having trouble winning even after you lowered your score to a fifty and let your avatar do her own thing for them to train better.

Akihisa's avatar lunged forward but your avatar jumped up and over him. Akihisa's avatar tripped and fell.

You held back a laugh before calling them over for a break.

Your avatar ran over to you, followed by Kouta's, and took a seat next to you. Your friends also took a seat at the edge of the fountain.

"Are you still planning the party?"

"Yup! And I'm pretty much done... But I'm stuck with what tablecloth to use. What do you guys think?" You showed them pictures of the two different table cloths.

"Well, ________, what do you think?"

You shrugged but your avatar was quick to say what you were really thinking.

"I like the snowmen better! They're cuter then those boring old Christmas trees! And when I was younger I spilled my food all over the Christmas tree one... I would have to clean out the stain if it was chosen; more work is borinnggg!" Embarrassment quickly hit you and you turned to scold your avatar. As you told your avatar to not butt in Kouta's avatar looked at you and inturrupted your scolding.

"You're really pretty when you're angry." You looked over at Kouta who had turned a light pink. You raised and eyebrow at him and turned back to the two small chibi's.

"Now hush you two!"

After letting out some awkward coughs, your friends agreed with snowmen. You looked over the page several times before closing it and standing up to face your friends.

"Ok it's all ready! Now I can help you with training!"

You gave them some pointers and made sure to give them some techniques.

"Now let's start over. Remember what I told you."

Your avatar faced theirs, her sword put away so she wouldn't end up hurting them. Yuji's avatar was the first one to lunge forward, Minami's ran behind your avatar to keep her from stepping back and Hideyoshi's jumped at an angle to get her incase she jumped up. Once surrounded your avatar began to panic and dropped to the ground tripping Yuji's avatar she quickly stood up and dodged the other attacks but failed to turn around in time to dodge Kouta's avatar. Your score fell to one point.

You cheered for them and gave them a thumbs up but they seemed to be distracted with Akihisa's avatar.

"Akihisa, no!" They all shouted in unison. You looked over to see your avatar, who was still seated and fixing her dress, was oblivious to Akihisa's avatar that was running towards her. He had been a bit slow with his attack and was barely going after your avatar. He became startled and tripped but instead of stopping right before hitting your avatar he ran into her. Your score dropped down to zero. The battle field and avatars disappeared.

"Akihisa you idiot! "

"Always so slow!"

"Now she's going to have to take a remedial class!"

Akihisa began to apologize to you but you just gave him a smile and a dark aura began to surround you.

"It's OK Akihisa. It's just a remedial class. It won't be as bad as what will happen to you..."  He began to shake in fear hid behind Yuji. You dropped your smile and held your hand out to him.

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