A broken nose, more people, and tutoring!

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While pushing your breakfast around your plate, you slouched in your chair and let out a series of loud, exaggerated sighs.

You're dad looked at you and chuckled a bit. You had a bandaid over your nose and wore a frown, it was a funny and cute sight.

"It's not funny dad!" you scowled and tossed the fork down, "Are you sure I can't be moved up to a different class?"

" I'm sure. I'm sorry he didn't remember you. But you can't move to a different class until the next placement test that won't be for another year."

" I just don't understand.. We were the best of friends! He's stupid.."

" If he doesn't remember... Then try to friend him again. It's the only thing you can do. Now stop being so sad it's making me sad and you can't enjoy your new classmates if you're depressed"

You thought over his advice and stood up, a surge of motivation hitting you, "You're right Dad!!" I cant be upset about this! It'll only bring me down and keep me from doing my best and enjoying my new friends!"

" That and you'll probably end up breaking a leg next time you run home... Hospital bills are expensive."

" Dad.. I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that... OK let's go! School awaits!!!" You put your hands on your hips and gave your dad a toothy grin then marched out the door. As you did so you heard your father whisper to himself, " And so the boy troubles begin.. I can't handle this , why couldn't I have had a son instead...".

You turned around and gave him the cutest pout you could . He placed his hand on your head and laughed.

" I'm only kidding, you know I love you! I am willing to listen to all of your boy troubles!"

" Thanks dad! Either way, I'm a teenager, I'm not supposed to tell you my boy troubles. It goes against the teenager handbook"


As soon as you got to school, you avoided the many creeps in your class, ran to your friends and greeted them with a smile. You then proceeded to taking your seat and pulling out your notebook and textbooks for studying. You're favorite classes were the basics, science , math, etc. But the one that you never were good at was Phys. Ed. Your scores in that class alone would have put you in class C. When you were younger , you would go to Kouta for help. He was always great in that subject. When you would get frustrated he'd give you a hug , pat your head and then explain the topic again. One of your favourite memories. Shortly after remembering that sweet event , you lost your train of thought. You stared out the window and completely missed the question you were being asked. You were pulled back to reality when your name finally registered in your brain. You jolted up from your slouch to find your friends staring at you with worried looks.

"Hmm? What? I didn't do it!" You received some questioning looks and you quickly gave a nervous smile.

"I'm sorry, haha. What did you guys need?"

" We were wondering what you were studying and what you were thinking about.. You were really deep in your thoughts." Akihisa told you.

You smiled and told them about your weakness in Phys.Ed. You then debated on whether or not you would tell them about your cute memory.

'Ehhhhh why not...'

"Well you see , the reason I was lost in thought is , I was remembering that before I left to America I had a friend who would always help me out in phys.ed. He was a really close friend of mine, we knew each other since we were babies. He was always very patient and kind when I would mess up. Not once did he show irritation... He would give me a hug and pat my head when I would get frustrated and then explain the work again..."

Kouta Tsuchiya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now