Third Year Placement Test!!

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Running out of your bedroom you fiddled with your outfit. You were hoping to look your best since you would be meeting with Kouta later in the day, but not until after you headed to your school. It was that time of the year, the day of the placement test to see what class you would get into for the upcoming school year.

You hadn't thought much of it so the thought of which class you wanted never crossed your mind. This was a good and bad thing,  it never gave you any stress which was good during your break, but it pushed all the stress into the morning of the exam.

'Curse my past self!!'

You sat at the dining room table and quickly started eating your breakfast. Your father could only watch in awe at how fast you were scarfing down your food and wonder how you didn't end up choking. When finished, you tossed the plate in the sink and sped walked out to your dad's car throwing your bag inside and slamming the door shut after you got in. 

Only two seconds had passed before you grew impatient and opened the door to call out to your dad who was walking out the front door.

"C'mon! We've got to get going!! You're not that old yet, you can still walk! Go go go!!!!"

"Hey!!" He gave you a frown and you just rolled your eyes in response and mumbled an apology.

After what felt like forever, he got in the car and then you were off.

".. Have you thought abou-"


"Then what are you goi-"

"I don't know!"


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap."

You arrived to the school but before you could get out of the car your dad stopped you.

"This is really important ______. You're a third year now, after this school year you'll be going to a university. Failing this exam might keep you from going to a good one or to one at all.
Really think about what you're going to do."

"...Ha, okay." You grabbed your things and got out of the car, your dad sat with a confused expression.

"________, you're supposed to say something more meaningful! That was a good dad speech, you're ruining it!!"

"Well I have nothing to say. Would you like a medal or something?"

"Yes that would be ni-"

"Too bad." You closed the door before he could scold you and started walking towards the school's entrance.
You still had some time until the exam began so you slowed down and took some time to think.

'Okay... this is it. This exam will determine the rest of my school year. The rest of my life even.. If I fail this, it's not certain I'll get into a good college... but if I pass.. I'll be separated from all my friends and my boyfriend. I'd still be able to see them during lunch and after school.. Hmm.. but it just wouldn't be the same...

You stopped walking and stood in front of the school's fountain and stared at all the flower petals that had fallen off the trees and were now floating on the water.

It was peaceful. That is, until you heard your name being called loudly from behind you. You turned around to find Akihisa running towards you. You smiled and waved.

"Hi ____!!" right as he raised his hand to wave back somehow he lost his balance and tripped, pushing you over as well and landing right on top of you.

"Ooowww.." You let out a groan as you laid on the concrete, "Akihisa, seriously?" You sat up and pushed him off.

"____! I'm sorry! Are you hurt?? Ahh! Please don't hurt me!!" He quickly cowered and you stood up.

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