First day of school!!

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"Oh shoot! Dad's gonna kill me!"

Seated next to the school fountain, you dropped the sheet of paper that had a big red 'F' written on it and buried your face in your hands.

You were able to take the score away from your dad while he went to give Akihisa his score.

"______? Where are you? I want to see your score!", your dad called.

You stood up and walked towards his voice, depending on your hearing to get yourself to him and not breaking your stare from the ground.

"Better to tell him now.. He'll be even more mad if I tell him later.." you grumbled to yourself.

Once you stood in front of him , you gave him a sorry look and handed him the paper.

He gave a confused expression and slowly looked down at the sheet.

After that, he went through a rainbow of emotions. There was confusion, shock,anger,and finally, the one you really didn't want to see, disappointment. You apologized and waited for a reply. He gave a quick smirk before lightly pushing you towards his car.

"I should be angry with you but..."


"Ahh... Nevermind, you'll have to see for yourself on the first day of school!"

"Dad? What is it? Tell me!",  he seemed awfully suspicious.

"Oh it's nothing important.
Speaking of unimportant things , Akihisa." He grinned.

"What about him?"

"You're in the same class as him. Good luck with that."

"Ha! Oh dad, you're so funny! .... Because you're joking right?"

He gave you a small smile.

"Nope, I'm not joking"

You face palmed. "This is gonna be a long year..."

"You've only known him for a bit."

"Yes, but he just gives off this aura... The aura of an idiot!"


You woke up to birds chirping and the loud screeches of cicadas outside your window.

The sun wasn't fully up but it was still very bright.

You sat up in bed and stretched.

"Hmmmm it's the first day of school. Better get dressed.. It probably be deemed innapropriate if I showed up in pyjamas."

Dragging yourself out of bed and onto the floor , you crawled towards your mirror. Only to get there and let out a loud scream at the sight. You're hair was all tangled and knotted and you had dark circles under your eyes. You also had forgotten to take off your makeup from the day before so it was smudged all over your face. " Guess I shouldn't have stayed up most of the night on my laptop..." You headed towards your bedroom door but before you could open it your dad burst in wearing a pink apron and holding a spatula.

"What's wrong?! I heard a scream!!"

You had to choke back your laughter.

"I screamed because I look terrible. But,Dad. What are you wearing? You look even worse than I do!"

He looked down at the apron and ran out. You then heard a faint shout , " Don't ever speak of this or you'll be grounded for the rest of your life!"

" I had forgotten how silly dad can be" , you giggled and entered the bathroom.

After a quick shower, and fixing your hair so you wouldn't look like a witch, you put on your uniform and ate breakfast with your father and headed out to the school.

Kouta Tsuchiya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now