Another ST war! And a date!!

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You sat on the ground surrounded by your friends, talking to them about an assignment you had gotten. Akihisa was taking about how confused he was while Miami and Himeji tried to explain.

"Akihisa, you idiot. You're doing it all wrong! It's like this."

"Yea, Minami's right. You need to concentrate!"

Akihisa would only complain and cry dramatically.

Shouko helped Yuji. Which was ,surprisingly, going well.

Hideyoshi worked by himself ; he seemed to be understanding the subjects well. And you helped Kouta. You mainly tried to get him to focus, he was being distracted by his camera.

The class was peaceful and diligent. But they all became confused when Hideyoshi's sister walked into the classroom with Aiko right behind.

"I'm going straight to the point, class A wants an ST war against you class F idiots."


You looked over at Aiko who gave a quick smirk.

"I'm not going to explain, you might get confused. You're idiots after all."

You rolled your eyes and stood up.

"No. I know your reason.
It's a stupid reason.
You can't just burst in here out of the blue , uninvited and declare war against us because one person in your class is being stupid."

"Aiko has nothing to do with this."

"Really? Well I didn't mention her. Way to make it obvious that it truly is.
You think we're the stupid ones." You scoffed and only made her angry.

You opened your mouth to add another insult but you were stopped by Kouta and soon after Yuji stood up.

"Yea sure. We'll do the ST war against class A."

"Tomorrow then. Shouko , let's go."

While she walked to the door you stopped Shouko from going.

"Shouko, you're their class Rep. Can't you make them stop?"

"They probably already convinced the entire class. And if it's what the class wants, majority rules. Besides... I know you guys will win."

You watched them leave and turned to your peers.

You didn't want them to fight, after all it was your problem with Aiko.

"I'm sorry guys."

They all looked at you as if you were crazy.

"_________, it's not your fault! Don't worry about it."

"Yea, even Shouko says we'll win."

After being reassured, you decided to help Yuji plan what to do for the next days ST war.

After school you walked home with Kouta. It was fairly cold so you both walked close together hand in hand.

"See, Aiko really dislikes me."

"So? That's only one person. I like you and everyone in our class does too."

"Well yea but now we're having to do a war. What if we lose? You guys will just be considered stupid."

"Well,technically, we already are idiots."

"But you're all so sweet. It's not fair that people are so rude to your class."

You continued walking in silence. Many of the people in your neighborhood were already decorating their homes for Christmas. Red and green lights hung all over the homes and trees. Children played in the snow. It reminded you of when you would play with Kouta and the thought brought a smile to your face.

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