A Big Desicion!!

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"Yes. I accept."

"Well Miss________, the sooner you want to leave , the sooner you must turn the permission slip in. That is all I have to tell you, the rest is up to you. You are excused."

"Thank you ma'am."

You bowed and exited the room.

Looking down both ways of the hallway you, quickly slid the slip in your backpack and headed home.

As you walked it began to rain. The streets became deserted, only a couple of people in cars or walking on the sidewalks were near.

You let out a loud sigh of relief as you entered the warmth of your home. It was silent as you walked around. You decided to look for your father, you didn't want him to be upset with you after you walked off while he attempted to talk to you. This was your third month with him. If you made him angry he could easily call your mother and tell her you werent raised properly. Then conflict would burst between them again and after witnessing it when you were younger , you'd rather just see them not talk. You tiptoed into the kitchen and found it in normal condition. Next , you checked his room. Again, clean and untouched. You walked into the living room and found him sitting in reading chair. Book in hand and scowl on his face, like you would do when lost in thought. It took him a while to notice you were there but once he did he tossed his book down and crossed his arms. You took a seat and grabbed your bag. Pulling out the permission slip you slowly and shakily handed it to him. He looked at you in confusion as he took it. As he read it his frown began to increase rapidly. When he looked up at you and saw that you were on the verge of tears he stopped being stern and gave a straight face. He took out a pen and placed the slip on the coffee table and signed it. He handed it back to you and watched as you were in complete shock.

" I knew this would happen sooner or later. I was hoping it wouldn't but I guess it's what is best if you want more for your future and if you're not happy here."

"Thanks dad. I thought you would get angry."

"Of course not! But , do your friends know? I'm assuming you'll be leaving soon. When I was your age, kids that would leave to different countries for studying usually left a week after turning in the permission slip."

"No, they don't. And I don't want them to know. I care about them, but I know that telling them will make it harder to leave."

"What about Kouta? Don't you really like that boy? You should tell him."

" Kouta and I.... We were friends. But our friendship fell apart the day I had left for America. If I were to stay, it'd take years for the broken bonds to be repaired. It was seven years, you and mom should know, you're the ones that made me leave."

You looked away from your father and he nodded.

"It is your decision. I understand, you're still upset. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Can you turn this permission slip in for me? Or do I still have to go to school?"

"I will, don't you fret. I'm sure the school won't mind if you're absent. Now , go get cleaned up. You don't look so well, you must be tired from the remedial class and the war."

You agreed and ran up to your room and slept without stirring the whole night.

When you awoke the next day it was fairly late and as you sat up in bed you panicked, forgetting you were excused from school. You threw off a blanket but got tangled in the rest , falling to the floor. Sitting up and massaging your arm from the fall, you checked your alarm clock to see why it hadn't woken you up. You found a note on top of it that read, "Good morning! Don't forget you're excused from school today. Don't go anywhere dangerous and don't forget to start packing." Signed your father. You placed it back in your nightstand and decided to get cleaned up a bit. After a long shower you walked to your closet to find something to wear. When you opened it you realized that you only had a few dresses and every other piece of clothing was a school uniform. You decided for a (fav colour) dress that reached down to your knees with long sleeves and a (second fav colour) ribbon at the waist.

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