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"Hey, you guys ready for Halloween? We should hangout!" Minami suggested as you all ate lunch in the back of your classroom. You were actually partially comfortable , since you won the Summoner Test war against class C  you're class was able to get chairs and tables to replace the not so soft cushions and boxes.

"Yes, that would be fun!"Himeji agreed, "It should be at a scary place too, You know , for Halloween and all! _______ , don't you know a good place we could hang out?" She turned to you.

" Yup! There's this house not so far from the city. About ten minutes away if you're walking to it. In the house there used to live a crazy couple who absolutely hated children, yelling and cursing at any that came anywhere near their home."

"Oh that sounds creepy"

"Yea. It really is a sketchy place!

When teenagers would pull pranks on the couple, they'd get terrible luck for months like, failing a class, or losing their wallets, etc. One day a group of incredibly rude teenagers, our age, decided to destroy the lawn and throw rocks at the windows, causing horrible damage. The couple was outraged. Soon after, a guy from the group, the ring leader to be exact , disappeared." You paused to look at the guys that seemed to be interested in what you were saying.

"When that happened, the couple stopped going outside. Their yard grew full of weeds the flowers and bushes died. Paint on the house started to peel away and the wood became rotten. Eventually they died, they say of old age, but that was probably to keep the neighbours from talking. It was said that before they died they hired a witch to curse the house to keep anyone from entering even after they passed away. The price they paid for this curse; their bodies! Their souls still wander the house.. Paying them a visit is a real test of courage. If you make it out alive, ... Well no one has gotten that far yet." You looked around at everyone. The boys were on the edge of their seats. The girls were trying to hold back a laugh.

"So you up for it? Or are you too.... Chicken?" 

After hearing you say that , they instantly stood up.

"We're not scared!" Shouted Akihisa.

"Yea! Well Akihisa might be , but definitely not me!" Yuji added. Kouta nodded in agreement.

"Hey I'm no chicken! You're the one that's afraid of a girl!"

"Well you are too!"

"No, technically Minami's not a girl." You flinched a bit as Akihisa was tackled by an angry Minami.

"Akihisa , take that back!" She pulled on his leg causing him to scream. 

Ignoring his screams, or atleast attempting to, you turned to Yuji , Hideyoshi, and Kouta and raised an eyebrow.

"Sure let's go to that house. We're not scared."

"Yea! We're no chickens!"

You smiled and nodded. 

"Ok , then we'll meet the three of you at the park, at eight p.m on Halloween. Wear your costumes and if you need to , bring an extra pair of clothing in case you wet yourselves." You teased. 

They scoffed and you continued eating your lunch.

 You sat upside down on your couch reading , ( fav book) , before your doorbell rang. You wiggled off the couch and on the floor ,earning a sarcastic , " that was very graceful" from your dad . When you answered the door , you counted four , not two like you had originally planned, people.

 "Shouko?  What are you doing here?" You didn't talk to her much so you were surprised to see her at your home.

"Yuji's going. If he goes I go." she stated. You shrugged and invited her in with a warm smile.

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