Your first Summoner Test War!!

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"Hey , you guys ready for tomorrow?"

"What's tomorrow?"

"Akihisa you idiot! It's our first ST war of the year!"

"Yea , we're going against class C. We've been talking about it all week."

He let out a long " Oh".

You guys were sitting near the school fountain. The wind was cool and gently rustling the trees. The other students could be heard but it wasn't too loud. It was a calm afternoon and you guys were making sure to relax. You had been planning what to do for the war against class C since the beginning of the week and though they aren't class A , you guys were working hard to make sure you would win.

"Let's go over the plan one more time before we call it a day" said Yuji.

He pulled out a map of the classes.

" Ok! Some of the other students will get the math teacher. ________ and Kouta will clear the hallway. Minami, you'll then go with Hideyoshi towards class C as quickly as you can . Once you get there clear the classroom for Himeji. Himeji will then go to the class rep.,once everything is cleared, and secure our victory! It may not sound complicated , but remember that something can always go wrong. "

" Hey Yuji, what about me ? What do I do?" Akihisa asked.

" Well you , Mr. Probationary student , get to keep me company."

"Great! Wait...That's a good thing?"

"Yea, sure! Ok everyone see you all tomorrow."

He started walking away quickly , trying to not answer any questions coming from the confused and slightly offended Akihisa. You started packing the textbooks that you were reading. You were supposed to take the recovery test as soon as they start the war so you were making sure to study.

" I have to walk home tonight so I have to leave before it gets dark. I'll see you guys tomorrow" You waved and started turning away but you were stopped by Kouta.

"I have to walk home too.. Mind if I walk with you ?"

You gave him a smile and shook your head. You both started walking away from the group.

" So, which direction do you live in?" You asked him. He pointed West.

" Oh , same!" He nodded and then you continued walking in silence. It didn't bother you that you weren't talking to each other, being in each other's presence always seemed to make the both of you happy. You took in the scenery , a beautiful sunset, dancing trees, people walking without a care in the world. As you looked around you noticed Kouta's backpack was open and his silver camera was partially sticking out. You wondered if he still had that picture of you from when you had left. And you really wanted to see what other things he took pictures of, besides girls underwear. You slowed down your walk and it took him a while to notice. He was now a few feet in front of you. He stopped and turned to look at you.

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh no, I was just looking at the sunset" He turned to look at the orange sky and setting sun.

As he did so you reached into his backpack and pulled out his camera. You quickly put it away in your (fav colour) purse and started walking again.

" It's beautiful" You stated," It reminds me of several events that happened when I was younger. Really nice , unforgettable, events." You looked to see if his facial expression had changed. If it did , it was so quick that you weren't able to tell.

For the past month you would randomly mention something that you and Kouta did when you were younger, to see if he would crack and at least laugh or smile at the memory. But he wouldn't budge. You let out a loud sigh and continued to walk in silence.

Kouta Tsuchiya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now