The Solution!!

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The day seemed to go on forever before it was finally afternoon and classes were over. You started packing your things and looked up to see Shouko still giving you a cold stare. You couldn't blame her. It was a hard bomb to drop on her and you were beginning to wonder how your other friends would react.

You hopped off the large armchair but as you got up she did too and she quickly followed behind you as you walked out to the hallway.

It felt like she was after you, just like she does with Yuuji or any girl that approaches him. You could already see a dark purple aura coming off of her. You also could have sworn you saw a taser in her hand but maybe you were just too paranoid.

Just as you were going to hide behind a tall student, she called your name and you jumped.

"______, come with me."

You hesitated for a minute and looked around. There was people around so at least they would know the last person you were with before your death.
You nodded and she grabbed your hand and pulled you along.

Your mind was clouded so you couldn't come up with a reason as to why she'd be leading you around the school.

Eventually you made it to the staircase that lead out to the school's roof.

She opened the door and let you go outside before closing the door behind you. Minami and Himeji sat waiting. They were staring down at the ground with worried expressions and once they saw you they ran up to you.

"_______! We heard what had happened!"

"Yea! Are you okay?"

They all pulled you into a group hug. You would be lying if you said you didn't feel yourself begin to tear up from the question and their nice action.

"I'm fine." You looked up to the sky and fanned your eyes to keep tears from falling.

"I mean, it was bound to happen someday. Not everything is forever."

"But you guys were so perfect together! It was bound to last forever!"

"Yea! And even things that don't will show signs that they'll be gone soon. You guys did it just out of the blue!"

"Yes. No one saw it coming."

You leaned against the door and slowly slid down so you'd sit on the floor.

Technically, you had seen it coming. Since the day you had told everyone of making it into Class A, he had been moody and distant.

He never kissed you anymore, and you barely held hands.

They were all clear indicators that something was going to happen but you just ignored it.

"____, you should at least talk to him."

"Maybe talking it over will help figure it out."

"And if he won't listen just do what I do with Yuuji."

"Mhm, that could work too!"

You looked up at the three with a face of disbelief.

"I don't want him to fear me like Akihisa and Yuuji fear you guys!"

You all laughed and then agreed that you would try to contact Kouta as soon as possible in order to talk.


The next morning you sat at the school fountain. There was barely anyone around so the only sound was the fountain and birds chirping.

You were about an hour early to school but it was in hopes of seeing Kouta and asking him to talk. So far, there was no sign of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2017 ⏰

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