The Mistress and New Chapters

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Courtney walked into a fancy restaurant in Abrahams's arms. Courtney plastered her fake dazzling smile ready to deal with snobby rich people.

Courtney and Abraham soon were immersed in a conversation with a rich couple.

"So Courtney what is your profession?" The lady asked lifting her perfect eyebrow.

"I actually am a therapist for children and adults." Courtney smiled. She did have a few adult people she helped she mainly helped children.

"How remarkable it's nice to see someone caring for our youth." She smiled.

Courtney beamed "thank you and may I hear about your profession?"

"I'm a lawyer as well but right now I'm in the process to be a judge." She asserted cockily.

"Impressive." Abraham complimented.

"Indeed it is." Courtney agreed.

The women's husband was going to add to the conversation when he saw someone "oh pardon that's Jamie and I need to speak with him." He excused his wife and himself.

"Of course," Abraham said.

When they were out of earshot Abraham turned to Courtney almost beaming "for a second I thought I was gonna have to mentally kick myself for forgetting to tell them you were a lawyer instead."

Courtney stared at him now with her eyebrow raised "what's that supposed to mean?"

"Well having a wife that's a therapist is kinda embarrassing." He shrugged like he didn't realize how insensitive it was.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Courtney said clearly insulted.

Abraham fixed his mouth to answer when a voice interrupted their conversation "Mr.Michealson!"

Courtney looked to see a beautiful dark skin goddess practically gliding to them. She had beautiful dark brown eyes Finn lips with long black curly hair. She wore a dark emerald green dress with a slit out on her left leg with a plunging neckline with matching heels.

Abraham put on a smile "nice to see you again Ms.Walton." He nodded.

Courtney recognized the girl and the name from somewhere there was something familiar about her but she couldn't place a finger on it.

She stood in front of the two and she noticed Abrahams's eyes darkened with lust and he looked at her cleavage.

Courtney felt herself boil with anger and jealousy.

"And you. Nice to see you again" Ms.Walton turned to Courtney with a sweet smile Courtney knew it had to be fake.

"I'm Apologize, but I don't remember who you are..." Courtney trailed off not knowing her name.

"Victoria. Victoria Walton." She smiled.


Courtney walked into Abraham's work firm, he forgot the work file that he needed for his court case. She thought she'd bring it to him before she had to work.

His secretary smiled at her "how may I help you?"

"Hey Sam, I just wanted to stop by to see Abraham I won't be long." She informed the worker.

He nodded gestured for her to continue to his office. Courtney soon was at his door and tried to open his door to find it locked.

"Who's there" she heard Abraham call out.

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