No regrets and a new plan

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"I had sex with Duncan!" Courtney said panicked.

Bridgette looked at Courtney mouth agape while Heather looked startled.

"Duncan? Like Duncan, that's friends with us Duncan ?" Bridgette uttered out still shocked.

"Yes," Courtney said covering her face with her hands.

"Wh-why?" Heather asked clearly still processing.

"I don't know! I was horny and wasn't thinking clearly!" Courtney sputtered now pacing back and forth grabbing her hair.

"was it good at least?" Bridgette asked.

"That's the worst part! It was fucking amazing, I cummed like 4-5 times! it's even worse than I don't regret it and want to do it again!" Courtney exclaimed.

"I thought you hated Duncan?" Heather asked.

"I do! He irritates me but-"

"You like him?" Bridgette interrupted.

"N-no I don't! He's attractive okay?! But I just made a huge mistake and Abraham is never going to forgive me." Courtney spiraled.

"Slow down Court, start from the beginning," Bridgette said trying to calm Courtney down.

"Yeah from the beginning alright?" Heather piped in.

Courtney took a deep breath and sighed before starting from the beginning.

She explained the story detail from detail making sure not to leave anything out.

When she was finished she waited to hear the ridicules and then bashing.

"You literally had the best sex of your life, what the hell are you going to do now?" Bridgette said.

"She's gonna keep seeing him. Duh. Abraham fucking sucks in bed and in the relationship. Your relationship is over anyway so keep going." Heather says.

"That's wrong though!" Bridgette interjected.

"Oh come on Bridgette! Abraham is cheating on her and has for a long time, he doesn't deserve to be treated like a person with feelings." Heather scoffed.

"I'm not saying he does but Courtney you can't turn yourself into a person that makes bad decisions cause he wants to make bad decisions," Bridgette exclaimed.

"What does it matter? Courtney was thinking about ending the marriage anyways? Besides, there's nothing wrong with a little karma." Heather folded her arms.

"Well..." Bridgette tried but couldn't find anything to reply to.

"Exactly!" Heather said.

"Okay, I got me there." Bridgette sighed in defeat.

"Guys I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Abraham yet. I might try to find a place to move to and get my stuff out so That way when I say I want a divorce, I can get one without drama. Plus I need to talk to my parents also." Courtney sighed.

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