You're going down! Down! Down! Down!

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Courtney walked into Duncan's apartment looking around at Duncan's decor.

It was nice, simple, and cozy. She wasn't surprised when she saw most of the furniture was black.

She sat down on the nearest couch awkwardly not knowing what to do or say. Duncan went to the kitchen and returned with cold bottled water for both of them.

"Thank you," Courtney said slightly surprised at his hospitality.

Duncan smirked knowing exactly what she was thinking.

Duncan sat in the love seat next to the couch she was sitting on " so what were your plans?"

" What ?" Courtney asked confused.

"I mean your all dressed up Princess." He said taking a sip of his water.

Courtney rolled her eyes at the memory of Abraham and the ceremony.

"I went to an award ceremony with Abe. He won an award." Courtney shrugged trying not to sound sour.

"Did you have a good time, you know besides all the snobby people?" Duncan joked.

Courtney rolled her eyes "I had a good time actually." She bluffed.

Duncan raised an eyebrow " you and I both know that's bullshit."

"Fine, I didn't it was horrible. But what does it matter." She snapped. Duncan noticed how defensive she was getting towards the topic so he switches the convo.

"How long have you known Geoff and Bridgette?"

Courtney looked up at him confused but thought about it " I've known Bridgette since kindergarten and I knew Geoff since 6th grade."

Duncan smirked, " I know Geoff longer" he teased.
"Oh yeah ? How long have you known him?" Courtney challenged.
"Kindergarten." Duncan boasted.
Courtney scoffed "whatever. And how long have you known Bridgette?"

"6th grade. He had a huge crush on Malibu and would always talk about her." Duncan chuckled shaking his head at the memories.

"How ironic how much of a match they are." Courtney smiled.

"Geoff swore it was true love back in elementary."

"Not surprised Bridgette said the same thing but in 7th grade." Courtney laughed.

"God they were so whipped over each other I swear."

"How about Trent and Gwen?" Courtney asks.

"What about them?" Duncan questioned.

"How long have you known them," Courtney stated.

"Oh. Well, I've known them both since kindergarten, I went to school with them through college." Duncan shrugged.

"So was it the same for them? How Geoff and Bridgette were." Courtney asked relaxing into the conversation.

"Not really. At first, it was but then they broke up cause Trent was obsessed with the number 9. She started liking me and we had a one-night stand but I wasn't really interested. She's on and off with Trent." Duncan explained.

"Does she still like you?"courtney asked curiously. If she did still like him it would explain why she noticed Gwen looking at her like a hawk when she's around Duncan.

"Probably. Why are you jealous or something." He smirked tauntingly.

"Um no. I was just wondering!" Courtney exclaimed in disgust rolling her eyes.

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