ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

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ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴘᴏᴠ

The two lovers decided to take a stroll in the park as it's already passed 9 am. Both of them don't have anything to do and spending time together is all they can think of. Helia is wearing his usual green top and dirty white pants while Flora tries something new with the help of Stella's inspiration to expand her wardrobe. She is wearing a crop top and shorts with heels. Her hair is up in a high ponytail with a simple necklace and earrings to go with her looks. Helia was surprised at her choice of outfit which made him smile. Not wanting to risk her comfort since Flora could get shy sometimes, he made sure to bring a sweater which was dangling on his arm.

It's currently Friday and Stella along with Sky are expected to come visit Gardenia tomorrow to be with their friends. Both the royals are busy with their own duties, but Bloom scheduled their meeting tomorrow as a break for the two. Stella is getting all short-tempered based on Brandon and Sky rarely leaves his study room.

"I never thought that I would appreciate professor Palladium's class more than this!" Stella exclaimed on their last video calls while whining in front of her books.

Seeing them all getting busy makes Flora sad. The group is collapsing after what has happened here on Earth. She doesn't want it to end, especially the Winx Club, as their group means a lot to her. But there will always be What if? Flora tried talking to Tecna about it but her friend only gave her a smile and an assurance that what they are experiencing right now is inevitable and that it is how they made up for their lost time.

Tecna's words are giving smile to Flora and how naive could she be for overthinking it?

The two of them stopped beside a bench with Helia's hand stopping her from going further. He looked at her with a smile before inviting her to sit down. "Helia?" She asked softly, hand cupping his cheek and eyes all down before looking at him with such soft and caring eyes.

"Do you know you are becoming prettier every day without any effort?" He admits with such seriousness on his eyes that made the nature fairy smile shyly. "I'm saying the truth Flora!" chuckling, Helia leans in before kissing her forehead.

Closing her eyes and feeling his lips on her forehead, Flora pouted for a bit and tugged on his shirt to get his attention. "How's the art business going?" looking curious at Helia, she tilted her head.

"Well, it isn't bad unlike before. I'm managing to sell some paintings at the nearby cafes!"

Flora clapped her hands all proudly before holding his hands and giving little kisses while looking up at him. "Don't overwork yourself though, since you're still working at the Frutti Music Bar, I don't want you to suffer..." 

The pacifist nodded at Flora in agreement. Recently, he has been working on his art and trying to sell it during the day while he works at night. Helia finds it much more calming than just doing nothing and having unwanted thoughts. Plus, he's his own boss, he can work what time he wants to without having any pressure.

"Talking about working, how's working at the flower shop?"

Putting down his hands, Flora glanced up at him with such sparkles lingering in her eyes. "I was about to tell you! Madam Rosa is so nice she is letting me keep some flowers she thought I love". The both of them chuckle at the thought of a human giving a nature fairy a flower. But it is the thoughts that count and Flora is gladly keeping the given flowers in her room.

Everything is different as if the Winx and Specialists had settled on Earth. They seem to be getting alright after what happened, and that staying on Earth isn't painful unlike before. Aisha is getting better and Flora knows her visits to Nabu. Tecna has settled down to being a freelancer. Timmy would occasionally go back to Red Fountain as his expertise is much needed. Riven and Musa are just doing their own thing and would often help at the pet shops along with the new owners and Bloom would be mostly with her parents.

Remembering something dearly for the both of them, Helia pokes her cheeks to grab her attention. "Talking about flowers, I have the flowers you used to confess your feelings at my Red Fountain room" not waiting for a reply as Flora's cheeks are already flustered, he continued. "I knew it was you all along and I couldn't be happier, but what surprises me more is that the flowers can live only with sunlight" He rubs his nape and kept his mouth shut from what he wants to say next.

"... Knowing you're not good with plants, I decided to add a little surprise". Flora finished her sentence with a giggle, knowing what Helia was about to say.

Helia chuckled all apologetic. "You can say that again" she leaned on him and he gladly received it by wrapping his arms around her protectively, looking on each other's eyes lovingly.

"I'll protect you my flower, no matter what", he murmured that made her smile widely, hearing him declare his feelings is something she won't get used to. "I love you my sweet Flower" he added

Flora closed her eyes and savored this moment as they exchanged hugs. "I love you too Helia..." She whispered only for him to hear, she love this man so much.

ᴍᴜꜱᴀ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

"Riven?" Softly knocking on the door of his room, I glanced around the empty hallway before focusing on the door for some response. I met Brandon and Timmy downstairs doing their own stuff and I only gave them a wave before heading up to the second floor. I heard from Timmy that Riven rarely eats these days and I got worried, so I brought him his favorite food. He shouldn't have skipped a meal anymore and I'm here to make sure of it.

Rolling my eyes as I heard no response, I opened the door only to find him sleeping on his bed peacefully. He looks so stressed in his sleep and yet I can't help it but to admire his appearance. What a pitiful but cute guy who doesn't seem to be wakened up any minute.

He's been so busy these days, all locked up in his room and God knows what he's up to because he won't tell me what it is. I tried forcing him to tell me but his mouth kept saying no or it's none of your business while groaning, usual Riven.

"He had better not be doing something bad" I scoffed seeing him snore in his sleep that I decided to roam around his room to help him clean the mess. I figured that it is a good reason just to kill some time while I wait for him. I need to see him eat or else I won't be able to breathe properly. If I need to force him, then I'll shove the food down his throat if he still refuses to eat.

Looking around the room, I can't help but to grumble as he's still and always will be a messy guy, my messy guy. There things are around and some books are also scattered. Wait, books? My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and suspiciously while my body is heading towards in the direction, my fingers are itching to touch and read it.

I kneeled down to examine the books that had fallen down.

"Huh, it's in a different language..." my fingers delicately picked those up and arranged them on his desk. "I didn't know he's into books now" I rolled my eyes sarcastically. Now he's a nerd, then the next day I might hear from the others that he's picking what shampoo to use. Such ideas made me giggle, never in a million years he'll do it.

Before putting them all on the table neatly, I decided to take a picture of a book cover to show Tecna. She probably knows about it and I hope she does. I never saw Riven so interested in books, let alone reading, so it had better not be bad.

Come on Musa, be happy he has a new hobby. I tried to cheer myself up but I just couldn't wipe the worry off my system, he should know what he's doing! It might be dangerous!

"Musa...?" I heard his groggy voice and I smiled instantly with my back facing him. "You're here...?" He added with a sleepy voice.

I turned around and smiled up at him. "Missed me?" smirking with my heart dancing around as his face lighted up softly as a challenge, that's my Riven.

~ 🌼

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