ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12

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"Did you all miss me?!" Stella's voice boomed at the whole house as she opened the door with a grin on her face. It was almost 10 am and we were all waiting for our sun princess to arrive back. Most of us, Riven is being Riven as always.

She opened the door with two Solarian guards carrying her baggage while she's on her yellow dress with orange details, orange high heels and her yellow bright hair is on a high ponytail.

I saw Brandon standing up with grin on his face as Stella went into his open arms all squeaking while Bloom raised her eyebrow at the light fairy.

"What?" Stella looked at us with a smile on her lips and kissed Brandon's face over and over again. "I know you missed me Brandy pie and I missed you too" she didn't let Brandon speak as Riven cut in laughing.

"Nice nickname you got there, 'Brandy pie'" He mocked and we all laugh except for the couple and Musa who slapped his shoulder and gave him a death glare.

Brandon didn't seem to fazed at the names Stella is giving to him, he seems to be amused and falling deeper for her. What a beautiful couple.

Stella huffed and cleared her throat "so yeah boys, I'm sure you were all waiting for me. but sadly today is girls time which means mall time and you won't be with us" she announced sternly and glared at Riven who just smirked back at her. "I know I just came back, but my fingers and heart are itching to find a new outfits to try on!" She added while clinging around Brandon.

The two guards put Stella's things in her room without me noticing. The boys, including Brandon, are all now in the living room who are planning to do something while the girls are heading to the garden.

"So you need guards now to carry your stuff?" Musa said and smiled mockingly at the blonde, it seems that Musa is learning a lot from Riven's attitude.

Stella only giggled as Tecna answered for her. "Maybe Stella's tired from her travel and she might need some help" She said it in a duh tone whole packing her things up.

"You are wrong, I would like to do it but my father said I should be getting used to guards carrying my stuff during my training" she groaned, her hand on her forehead all dramatically.

I smiled and went to put my hand over her shoulder. "Looks like Stella's being a real princess now" I smirked that made her shiver just thinking about it.

"Flora it is so stressful! Only if I can escape the trainings like I did before... Wait can you guys help me?" She held my cheeks softly and tries to lift it up while looking around the others girls seriously. "Please tell me you will help me!"

Aisha rolled her eyes and went to Stella's other side "Looks like our princess is tired, Flora let's go change to our outfit" she looked at me and I smile at her, she gave me a wink which I returned a chuckle.

Stella, Bloom and Musa sat down as Aisha, Tecna and I just stood up and was getting ready to get inside to change our clothing. "So what's this about Stella?" Bloom asked and looked suspiciously at Stella's unusual smile.

Stella didn't speak but instead snapped her fingers and before I could react, I saw the others on different outfits and I felt a warm air hitting my nape as my hair is on a bun which is new to my style.

"Great job Stella!"

Musa cheered as she stood up wearing a pretty outfit like the rest of us, Stella loves making and designing our clothing and we like it as she's nailing our styles and we look gorgeous with the outfits she is making for us.

Grinning, I looked at Aisha who gave me a thumbs up as we won't need to change now. "This is so pretty Stella!" Aisha compliments the outfit as we all agree to it.

We decided to walk to the mall as it is a good day to be walking, the weather is perfect and we are all just chitchatting and laughing. However, Stella was whining about wanting to take a bus as she's exhausted at the until Musa said that Stella can use us to carry her shopping bags. Of course Aisha wanted to oppose but couldn't do it as Stella walked out of the door fast with a grin, leaving us behind.

It has been 5 minutes since we started walking and the girls are all talking, except for me who only interact when needed and Tecna who's on her phone doing something. It's not pretty hot since it's cloudy making the city warm and I like it, it's calming and soothing without being too cold or too hot.

I looked at the other street and found the silver-haired guy again, I frowned as it's getting more and more obvious that he might be following us. I first met him at the Frutti Music Bar acting all clingy not just once or twice buy multiple times and I don't even know him. I mean if he didn't have his shades then maybe I probably would tell if I knew him.

He couldn't be also the guy back at Linphea years ago, Lucian. He's forbidden to go to Earth and other places in magix who has absolute massive people or else it will cause him his mental. Plus, it's not him, he acts really differently from Lucian. This one is creepy.

I swear if I can see him being too close next time or the girls noticing him following us, then I will confront him in no time.

Gritting my teeth in anger as I throw daggers at his direction, I decided not to let it ruin out trip and my mood. I looked back ahead of me as I continued walking and suddenly Musa hugged my arm and giggles at their conversation about something that's making Bloom blush and the others laughing.

I zoned away as I don't know what they are talking about.

~ 🌼

Note: I changed my ocs names;

From Spencer to Lucian

From Eldon to Silas

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