ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13

942 21 5

ꜰʟᴏʀᴀ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

After hours of shopping and roaming around, the girls are all sitting on the big table with Stella flexing the shopping bags that we carried for her while I ordered ourselves some foods. As the 'mother' of our group, I am in charge at remembering what they like and honestly I nailed their favorites.

"Hello!" Stella waved at me when I got back at the table with a big smile and I returned it with a soft one as the other girls followed Stella's gesture.

I sat down and relax as we wait for our order. I got my phone out to text Helia but I stopped on my tracks as I felt someone staring at me which itches me to turn around and to find the person. Calm down Flora, I'm sure that person will look away in no time. I sighed and focused on the topic they have as I put my phone away.

The girls are talking randomly then suddenly Stella started staring at my back weirdly and glances back at Aisha. 

"Guys, there's a red haired guy looking at Aisha, darling you didn't told me you have a new suitor" She giggled teasingly and Musa slapped the blonde shoulder softly glaring. "What? I mean it's how we met Nab.... Oh right" she toned down and smile apologetic.

No, that man doesn't want Aisha but me, our eyes met and it didn't take me a while to figured it out. That's it, I turned around to see the person Stella's referring to and I'm not surprised that it's the guy, again and again. What does he want with we? I frowned and he stared at me like he's trying to read my expression.

"Don't worry, I'll handle that stalker" Aisha grumbled under her breath and was about stand up when I held her down, shaking my head.

"I'll go talk to him" I looked at Aisha and the girls, Tecna was looking at the guy and I know we have the same thought at one thing, it's him at the Frutti Music Bar.

"Go Flora" Tecna encouraged me and I smiled before standing up. "Let me know if something is off with the guy" she gave me a thumbs up as I nodded.

When I turned around I could see the guy's face lit up like he's happy that I'm approaching him which is the complete contrast to what I feel about him. I am unhappy with him and his actions.

Stopping in front of his table which is at the end of the cafe, I smiled sweetly "Do you need anything on our group?" My emerald eyes even curved up showing him my gentle side when I'm just trying to hide my annoyance at his creepy antics.

Now I can see him fully without his glasses, he has soft silver hair and golden eyes? Lucian? I wanted to shake that thought off but I can't since I know he is Lucian, my childhood friend back at Lynphea. He let his earphone down and it creeps me how he stared at my face before his eyes dropped down to my body, is he observing me?

I felt my body went cold as he stared back at my eyes as if he didn't just stare my body. Like he can't believe it's me?

"Hello Flora" 

Lucian's voice was all soft like what I heard back at Lynphea and that he doesn't sound like that at the Frutti Music Bar at all.

It took me seconds to composed myself in front this man. "L-Lucian?" I stuttered and he nodded to confirm my thoughts. "Oh my!" I quickly gave him a hug to be friendly since it has been years when we last met. But despite knowing who he is, my worry is still lingering in me and I don't plan to let my guard down around this man. He seems to be dangerous and eerie. His body was so tensed but he calmed down and stood up to hug me back.

"I thought you wouldn't recognize me" He said apologetic and I chuckled nicely "I didn't mean to do it... I'm just and will always be a shy guy" I pulled away and gave him a tight smile.

He invited me to sit down and I noticed an untouched coffee which he offered me, it's still hot so it must be new.

I looked back at the girls to see them staring at me like I grew two heads, I waved at them and they settled down as I reassured them. 

Glancing down at the coffee as he started drinking his, I took a small sip and smiled since it was my favorite. Wow he still knows my favorite drink. I put the drinks down and looked at him confusedly.

"Lucian, why are you on Earth? Your..." I was talking worriedly but he cut me off by cupping my cheeks which I felt uncomfortable to be honest.

Before he would just answer my truthfully and friendly, but right now he's acting too clingy and off to say the least. Was he always been like this and I didn't realize it? I don't know the answer of it and maybe he changed? 

"Lucian no, I have a boyfriend" I pulled away from him and looked at my hands on the table feeling all awkward. This isn't appropriate and I don't appreciate it since I have a boyfriend.

But despite of my rejection, I could see him gritting his teeth before trying to hide it with a chuckle. 

"I'm sorry, I just missed you..."

He started but I didn't let it bother me, friend or not I don't tolerate disrespect. I stood up and clutched around my hair as I gave him a smile.

"Lucian I need to go, can we talk when we meet later on?"

I don't feel safe around him even with the girls around, they don't know a thing about this guy. Hopefully he will take the clue and not to follow me around and I wish that the next time we meet again, I'll be with Helia.

Lucian didn't say a thing but just stared at me and I was glad at it. His glance is getting creepier and I don't want anything to do with him anymore. I was about to take a step but I could feel my head throbbing with an intense pain that I had to hold on the table to keep me standing up. I closed my eyes and bite my lip as the throbbing pain is increasing as seconds pass.

"Let's go" 

As I was trying to compose myself, he suddenly grabbed my hand and I gasped both in pain and surprised as I tried to pull away from him, eyes still shut as I stumble against him and before I could even process it we are already out of the store. "There are many things I want to show you" I could feel him grinning as he brought our intertwined fingers up and gave my hand a kiss.

I tried to fight the pain and I eventually opened my eyes only to find him opening the door to his car. What's going on?

"Lu-Lucian let go..." I said weakly while glaring at him through the pain as he only grinned at me viciously and pushed me in the passenger seat before locking my side. "Shit!" I tried opening the door but it won't open.

Whimpering in pain and discomfort, I could hear him getting into the driver seat and laughs at my attempt to open it. "My my... I'm just going to show you something and you can go!" He gripped my arm and that made me scream in pain that tears are streaming down my face.

"Ngh!" I bite my lower lip hardly as his grip is so hard that my tears are strolling down continuously. 

Lucian seemed surprised at my reaction and watches as my tears fall down. I keep glaring at him through my blurry vision when he leaned in and started licking my tears of. Disgusting!

Now I'm certain he wasn't the Lucian before, what's wrong with him!? I tried reaching out for Riven but I can't reach him as he's so far from where we are right not and I don't like it. Shit... If Lucian's ability have fully developed then he'll be confused as to why he can't read my thought until now and I will be busted in no time. I need to get out of here.


I whispered in almost begging voice but he won't bulge as he keep licking my tears off.

Feeling lightheaded, I started limping on his touch that I started breathing heavily. "Have a good sleep" I tried opening my eyes but they are too weak that I ended blacking out.

~ 🌼

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