ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16

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ꜰʟᴏʀᴀ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

It has been three days since it happened and I could feel someone trying to break the barrier I made but hasn't succeeded. Could it be Lucas or Silas? I haven't got to meet the latter but saying out his name is giving me creeps knowing he could be the one chasing me the whole life. But why am I overthinking this? I'm sure I'll get all my answers once I head back at Aquaria, I'll demand answers since I've been protecting myself all this time without my parents.

Sighing, I leaned on Helia's shoulder as we are at the Frutti Music Bar just spending our night once again as the guys are working. About Lucas, Klaus added security not letting him again and we learned that he tried to get in once but failed. He was viewed as our stalker and I don't feel good having him around either. He could strike any moment, but what is he waiting for?

"I'm telling you the truth!" I could hear Stella huffing while rest just laughs at her attempt to tell them about this particular event she encountered at Solaria which is absurd to say the least.

Tecna was chuckling when we saw Aisha joining the group with a grin on her face. She was gone for hours and I believe she came from Morgana's palace to visit Nabu as she often does these days. I looked at Musa and she has the same expression as me; surprised and shock.

Clearing up my throat at the others continue to tease Stella, I looked at Aisha and gave her a soft smile. "You seem to be glowing, what happened?" I tilt my head in curiosity, genuinely wanting to know if something good happened there.

My question made the others stopped and looked at Aisha all curious as well. Aisha sat down with her hands tucked in front of her as she looked at us one by one before meeting my eyes as she spoke. 

"Nabu had woken up!" 

Upon hearing it, the others were cheering loudly while I sat there speechless. Finally!

"Woken up?" I repeat and she nodded at my question before holding my hands with tears on her eyes. "Th-that's wonderful...!" stuttering, I can't help but to feel extremely happy that I gave Aisha a tight hug for not leaving his side when he needed someone the most. He's so lucky to have someone like her!

I could hear the others happily talking about Nabu as Aisha part ways with me to talk to Bloom who wants to know more about it.

"Don't be too excited I told you it could happen, Nabu being awake but still unresponsive" Riven really had to cut my joy but I understand him, it's too early too celebrate and he knows more about Nabu's condition than the rest of us. I'm guessing those books really did help him became smarter.

As the night is getting deeper, I got out of the bar to get some fresh air by the sea. Of course I learned my lesson on the risks of being alone that's why I brought Helia with me. I know it's childish for me to want his attention while he's working but I just need him right now more than anyone else. 

"I can't wait for the day Nabu will be with us again"

He smiled and buried his face on my face while wrapping his arms around my waists. I hummed in response and caresses his hair gently as I inhaled the air of the sea. The Trix, Lord Darkar, Valtor and the Wizards of the Black Circles are now gone and it is great. Although it isn't near perfect for me as I have new enemies that I need to keep in mind. I don't want to include the others in my problems as they had enough and I want them to rest. Hopefully my parents will help me with this one. I have no other hope but them.

Oh my Magix! Can I ever have a break?


Helia cupped my cheek as he stood in front of me with a worried look on his face. Oh I must be spacing out. Caressing his thumb on my lip to catch my attention as he always does, I opened my mouth to say something but I ended up giggling at my own silliness. Tilting my head, I wrap my arms around his neck. 

"Do you want to get back at your work?" I looked on his lips but he pulled my cheek upwards, causing me to look at his eyes.

Helia let out a chuckle and shook his head before kissing my lips softly. "It's not that, I want to give you something..."

I moved away from him as he reached for his pocket and pulled out a necklace with a weird looking pendant. It's a heart shape pendant but with a rough texture and it's in deep red color. He held it up for me to see before putting it around my neck.

"Remember the flowers you first gave me? I dried some petals in a heart shape and preserve it... I-I hope you don't mind" 

He looked away shyly with a blush on his pale cheeks and I don't know what has gotten into me that I hold the necklace close to me and I started giggling and jumping before stopping to give him a deep kiss.

"...!" He seemed to be surprise at my sudden kiss but kissed me back softly.

We pulled away after some time and I smiled while clutching the necklace before putting it on me. 

Smiling up at him as I hold his hand, I tucked a hair behind my ear  since the wind keeps blowing it on my face. "It's so pretty Helia..." I murmured for him to hear before kissing him one last time.

We stood there just gazing into each others eyes lovingly while savouring this moment. However something flickered in his eyes that he pulled away from me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Flora, can I ask you something...?" Helia looked serious and I only tilt my head to the side to encourage him to ask his question. "What happened back at Linphea?"

I swiftly broke our eye contact as I look at my feet in shame. 

I knew it, Helia didn't buy my excuse.

I should tell him the whole truth

"Helia... I-!"


Before I can even say another word, I heard Riven's hard voice behind me that made me stopped and froze on the spot. I could say that Helia noticed my body went stiff as I can feel him staring down at me before holding my arm a bit tightly. He doesn't want us to be interrupted and I know it.

"Riven we're currently busy here, you can go"

I never heard voice goes deeper but here it is and his voice is scary. It made a chill run down my spine at Helia's seriousness.

Trying to see Riven through my shoulder, I can sense he's try to hold himself from retorting back as he just stood there.

There was a silence between us three as no one wants to budge until I heard Helia sighed deeply knowing Riven is here if he wants to talk about it and let go of my arm. However before Helia went back inside the bar, he learned on my ear and whispered something.

"I'm sorry Flora, it's just a very serious matter that I can't shake off my feeling... Something, something's wrong, I can feel it..." I met his eyes and was about to reply when he uttered his next words "Are you lying to me?"

And there it struck, his eyes reflects betrayal and sadness and I can understand his feelings. He's left without any information other than me heading back to Linphea. I supposed I could have lied but every lie is weighing on me and it's getting heavier.

I'm sorry...

~ 🌼

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