ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

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"I hope I made it on time" It took me 2 minutes to run from our place to the girls. People would stare at me worriedly, but my mind is in deep panic right now. Why was Musa in my room anyway? Does she like to barge in without even knocking at the door? No wonder my things are all tidied up! Just the thought of it made me annoyed, Flora's voice rang into my mind clearly. When I saw my stuff on my desk being cleaned, I knew already that it wasn't good.

The book is about awakening a wizard. I have to know it if those fairies' magic won't work. Of course I'm not just going to stand here and watch him rise from that bed or have Aisha kiss him like in those fairy tale books, it's way unrealistic and cringe to think of. Besides, their parents gave me that book as I requested. Nabu's bond with me is deeper than I have with any of the guys. Much deeper than Helia and Nabu.

Well, I do admit we do get along pretty well, even though I'm a jerk. Yeah yeah trusting Darcy wasn't part of the plan since it also hurt Flora. But I was just happy that at least someone feels the same way as me.

Opening the door in a rush and looking around to find them, I heard inaudible noises from the kitchen and I made my way towards there. Getting into the kitchen, I spotted Flora all agitated in Helia's arms before my eyes landed on Musa. I grit my teeth and didn't wait for anyone to say a word at my sudden appearance.

"So you were in my room earlier."

Crossing my arms, I glared at her. "I didn't order a maid". I looked at Musa with my eyes all flared up.

She tensed but I couldn't help it but to get angry. "Ri-Riven calm down, I just wanted to help whatever you are doing", she said calmly and went to grab my hand.

I saw Bloom walking behind her to put a hand on her shoulder and I still frowned. "Yeah right". I pulled my hand away from her and stormed out of the house. Musa needs to know to set herself at a limit. Thinking about her going deeper into my stuff makes me pissed.

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I watched as the scene took place, Riven left all pissed and it's the typical Riven. I mean I would have been rather upset with Helia if he did it with me, but I know he respects my privacy and just lets my room be.

With Riven getting out, Musa smiled at us apologetically and we girls quickly went to comfort our best friend. She's just doing her duty as a girlfriend and Riven's just too hot-tempered. I won't blame her.

I thought Riven would just clear the air out, but he really did blow out on her. Poor Musa.

"Come on Musa, everything will be alright" Bloom spoke and smiled. I can see Helia slowly getting out of the kitchen with a frown on his lips, probably going to talk to Riven.

Musa smiled and lifted her hand up with the bowl of flour. "Oh come on! I'm fine!" She tried to hide a frown but we can say that she's trying her best.

"That's the Musa we know" I spoke this time and we all cheered to resume making cupcakes.

I keep on thinking about what happened. I should definitely hide those books as well. I don't want to be caught with one or two.

"So with this speed and the numbers working, we will definitely finish in no time!" Tecna said and the other girls including me giggled "what?" She blinked before giggling "sorry, I just can't help myself, at least I'm not using magic!" grinning, Tecna looked down on her cupcake.

With Tecna's calculations while still having fun and giggling. We finished making some samples that will be used for tomorrow's recipe. "Is this alright?" I asked softly and lifted my cupcake with some flower design that made me blush as they awed.

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