ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5

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ꜰʟᴏʀᴀ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

Walking around the mall as it is already 1pm, Helia holds my hand while his other hand is holding his shopping bags, art supplies. If Stella spends all of her time at boutiques, then this guy spends his time trying to roam around art stores. It is adorable looking at him having deep thoughts about what kind of pens and canvas he should get. The qualities are different from the ones in Magix.

"Oh Flora, can you wait here a bit?"

Helia looked at me shyly and I replied with a nod and chuckle as he went into a new shop he had spotted. To be honest, Helia sounds so worried as if I'm getting bored or annoyed with his shopping when in fact I'm enjoying myself going around with him. He looks so excited and happy showing me around and introducing me to every owner he knows and shops to. ("this is my friend, Flora" - Helia best boy..        I had to!!! I'm so sorry, but fr I hate Helia that time) . Although I'm surprised since Helia would come to the same stores almost every week to get supplies. I didn't know he needed that many materials though.

"Are you tired...?" Blinking as I'm sitting on a nearby bench, I looked up to see his caring blue cobalt eyes looking down at mine. He sat down next to me with his things on the ground to extend his arm before wrapping them around my waist in a soft way .

Shaking my head, I gently told him how I was enjoying myself seeing him get all happy and chatty about each kind of brush and how each works with another material. He seemed pleased with my answer and he kissed my forehead and took my hand as we both stood up, signaling that it's time for us to head home.

Squeezing his hand to get his attention, I looked at him shyly and twiddled my hair in between my fingers. "About art, I think I want to learn a new hobby while I see you work... If it is fine..?" The way Helia's eyes lit up in surprise made me blush as I knew he wasn't expecting that.

I took this chance to lead Helia to an art place we had been before. I saw some supplies I think are good for beginners and I think I will start with that. Helia picked up the pace and his things that he held my hand back and walks next to me. Both of us are smiling at each other.

We went inside the store once again and saw how the store was filled with art supplies like various paints, sketchbooks, different brushes and some pencils to do the work. It amazed me how he has all the time doing this while hanging up with me. Is he a kind of wizard who can sleep and paint at the same time? Either way, at first I wasn't a fan of art since I can use magic to do the work. But seeing how it makes him happy through every stroke he makes and how it lets him express his emotion through the papers are giving me the butterflies effect in my belly. It is similar to me choosing some pots and gardening stools, and it makes me so happy! But imagining someone joining you in your hobby, I'm sure the feelings would be so overwhelming and that's what I want Helia to feel. It's nice to hear Helia talk about his arts once in a while.

"Did I take so long?" I heard his voice and I looked up to see him carrying a basket with a few things he recommended me to have, but it looks high quality for my skills! He must have sensed my confusion as to why he's carrying such things and decided to give me an answer without me asking for it. "Oh this? I bought some extra art supplies, the best quality for you. I have spare stuff, but I want you to have the best" he said with a smile plastered on his lips.

I love this man so much! I quickly jumped off the chair and hugged him tightly "You're the best" I murmured to him and I wanted to spend more time at the mall, but much to my dismay we needed to go, I'm too hungry and I'm sure he is too.

He pecked my temple before letting me go softly and got the bags off the floor. "So where to?" He smiled and I quickly knew what he meant. Eating time!

I squeaked softly and pulled him out of the shop after we said goodbye to the owner and off to Helia's favorite restaurant. It was his time so lunch would be at his favorite.

ᴀɪꜱʜᴀ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

I stood outside the Specialist's apartment with a tight smile on my lips. I didn't visit here after what happened to Nabu. But I can't just be like this forever, especially knowing he will come back. I really miss his smile, voice, hug and warmth! I'm not devastated anymore since I have hope, but I'm still a bit worried now, since Nebula doesn't have news about him.

"I hope I'm not bothering..."

With a soft knock I made on the door, I waited for a few seconds before getting greeted by Brandon. He had his phone in his hand when he opened the door. Then his eyes landed on me, he looked all surprised. I straightened up and waved my hand, I hope I'm not making him uncomfortable.

"Aisha!" he smiled and opened the door wider for me. "Please come in, did something happen?" He asked and I shook my head quickly. It's far less than that.

I heard someone familiar talking on his phone, but the voice was a bit blurred that I couldn't hear properly. Brandon caught me looking at it and that's why he gladly made it a loudspeaker. I already know who it is coming from the tone and mood she set between the brunette and me.

"Aiiisha!" Stella's cheerful and lively voice made me smile as I waved back at the call.

Stella being Stella, I giggled and got closer to say "Hey Stel, how's the royal life?" Brandon gave me his phone knowing me and his girlfriend would talk for a bit. He didn't seem to mind as he once again waved at me, welcoming me with his presence. I felt a bit nervous but with his gesture, I knew there was nothing to worry about.

I heard a groan at the other line followed by "Can you believe it?! I was gone in Solaria for days and they decided to hire a designer for me!" She started complaining which I just listened "like seriously?! I just went to Gardenia and it didn't mean I lost the sense of my style! And talking about style, you must see what they want me to wear! It's something never in a millions years I would wear" she added looking all panic and to be honest she sounded much more worried about her fashion than her duties back at Solaria. Brandon came back with his eyebrow up hearing his girlfriend complain.

"Princess, it looks cute on you" he said, trying to defend the designer, but Stella only gasped dramatically and rolled his eyes while it made me laugh.

"Cute?! Munchkin, I sent you pictures! Do you need an eye check-up? I look hideous on it!" She retorted back and Brandon decided to have his phone back, which I complied without any trouble.

He mouthed 'sorry' which I returned a smile and a nod indicating it was all good before he went back to the living room with Riven and Musa as I heard the two speaking loudly in the other room.

I didn't bother going there as they already saw me and we exchanged waves. I still live with the Winx and it's not like they will allow me to live on my own. I'm thankful for that. Recently, I've been opening up to Musa since our rooms are adjacent, and I frequently talk with her. She's right, pushing my best friends away isn't healthy. That's why I decided to go to Nabu's room and clean it for the first time. I want him to feel he isn't forgotten when he wakes up. I want him to feel we always remember him, especially me.

Going into the room, my mouth went agape at how tidy his things are, except for the dusts which signified that no one was going in here to mess his stuff back which made me thankful. I first noticed his desk which had a vase and live flowers in it.

"Oh, Nabu's favorite flowers?"

I got closer to touch the daisies who seemed to have magic on it '... Flora's magic?' my heart felt a skip which wasn't a good one, something seemed off. Did she give it to him when he was still here? Or when he isn't? But Timmy told me no one was entering Nabu's room. Then how?

Smiling down at the flowers looking all worried, I caressed the petals as my smile turned into a frown. Huh. it made sense since Nabu has always been a bit close to Flora. It's not like I saw her as a threat, Flora's a sweet girl. But I just can't stop worrying that something is definitely off with this.

~ 🌼

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