ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17

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ᴀɪꜱʜᴀ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

I couldn't believe my eyes, Nabu is finally awake! After I Zoomixed to Nebula's palace and rushed into his room after getting a message from Nebula, there I saw him sitting on the bed with his hand on his head and a visible frown on his face.


I cried out and ran in front of him to hug him tightly. My tears streaming down my cheeks as his warmer body started to react on my touch. But there's something wrong, he wouldn't hug me or touch me. Pulling away I looked at his eyes, they were empty. Then I heard a voice which is Nebula as she spoke behind me, her tone held softness.

"Aisha, it's great to see Nabu all up. But it seems like he's still recovering" She gave me the information I needed which I returned a nod. This is better than nothing.

I have to stay positive and the girls will be happy to hear about this!

Leaning away, I stood in front of him with a smile on my face. "Welcome back" I murmured even though he can't comprehend me.

Nebula came and put her hand on my shoulder to show her support. "I'm sorry Aisha we couldn't do more... Fairy magic won't just help a wizard..." Ashamed tone is clearly visible on her voice but I know they did their best.

Turning towards her, I hugged her tightly and I felt her body went stiff due to shock before actually giving me the thing I crave from him, a hug.

"You all did your best, no need to sound like that" I pulled away and gave her a smile. Now I have a new courage to continue and story to tell. This is a big step for Nabu and I'll be here until he gets better.

I stayed longer than anticipated for the whole night and morning, Nabu's just sitting before going back to take a nap. The Earth fairies makes sure they are supplying him with healing magic even though it ain't doing much. It's already passed 9 am when I heard my phone ringing, it's Bloom.


I opened the hologram and saw all of my best friends at the living room. I couldn't help it but to smile.

"Give me that" I heard a shuffling and movement of the hologram to see the blonde girl in front with her big shining eyes, my eyes reflecting shock due to how big she is at my screen. "I know you have a lot to tell us but please spare most of it when we get there" She started her speech when a heard a cough.

She looked back at the face palming Tecna. "you're too close Stella, you'll be gigantic on Aisha's hologram" the short haired explain followed by a shriek from the light fairy.

"It is because you are all crumbled up" she retorted and looked back at me, now closer than ever "so sweetheart, please let us know if we'll go there or you'll come home to eat your food" she started again and I rolled my eyes giggling.

Bloom got her phone back and I smiled, waving. "Can we see him?" She said excitedly and before I could do anything, I heard Stella's voice.

"I was going to ask Aisha that, I just got carried away" she tried making an excuse and Musa's there to scold her then we all have a good laugh.

After a while, my smile got so wide I felt like my jaw and cheeks will hurt. I coughed excitingly before looking at my fiance. Nebula excused herself after seeing I'm on a call with the others.

"I'll show you, he isn't fully recovered but here" I told them the truth before showing them the sitting guy.

I was expecting silence or sympathy but it's the complete opposite, they are all excited like me. I heard roar of cheers and welcomes from the others that makes my heart warm, I surely do love them all.

"It is really Nabu!" I heard Sky exclaimed and followed by Helia and the others, I'm glad they are supportive as always.

It took us five minutes to talk and right now I'm on a chair trying not to smile anymore as my jaw is already aching. We bid farewell and we talked about meeting in Frutti Music Bar at 1 pm, they want me to spend time with him for a while and I won't going to deny that.

"I really missed you" I murmured while looking at him, I felt like it will only take him a few more days before returning back on his old state. 

ꜰʟᴏʀᴀ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

What happened before has brought a little bit of tension between me and Helia but he's tying to dismiss it hardly as I do too. This is unusual for the both of us, arguing, but I can't blame him for that. If only Riven wasn't there!

"Alright everybody! Looks like Nabu will join the squad back in no time!" Tecna cheered after the call and we still couldn't believe it, I'm beyond happy to see him again.

I felt Helia tightening his hug and I can't stop but to giggle, he's excited to meet his buddy. I can't wait to tell him about my relationship with Nabu, I will tell Nabu first, I'm sure he is already dying to tell them it!

"Since Stella is so hyper, the food and celebration are all hers!" We could hear Riven saying that along with cheering of approval from others and a loud no from Stella herself.

Stella walked closer to the Magenta-haired guy and raised her hands, ready to cast a magic. "You asked for it" I heard Musa chuckled knowing what Stella is about to do and in a split second, Riven is in a red mini skirt and a white crop top that is too small for his torso along with a big red ribbon and red doll shoes.

Riven's mouth all went agaped as if he wasn't expecting it and we are all laughing with Sky taking a picture which the others doesn't seem to mind. "Oh and I forgot" Stella added with a smirk. Riven doesn't like what she's planning and before he could protest, Stella has already done her magic. "Poof!" Stella exclaimed and grins. "There darling, hope you like my fashion sense and make up" Riven got a full time make up and the others especially boys are getting red from laughing.

"Oh boy" the only thing Riven could say.

~ 🌼

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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